Tuesday, May 13, 2008

An answer, maybe?

Well, once again Isabella threw up after having severe stomach pains (on Sunday). This time, I asked detailed questions why it was going on. I was determined to get to the bottom of this! It is not normal for a 6 year old to throw up once a week. After speaking with her Pediatrician we are pretty sure she is having acid reflux. Yesterday morning after eating her stomach starting hurting so I gave her a pepcid ac and within minutes the pain was gone. So, she is now on a prescription of Prevacid. They said we will be able to see results in about 4 days - until then,I'm going to try and keep her diet pretty simple. I really hope this is the answer to why my little girl is getting sick.

Isabella has only one more week of school left. I can't believe she is about to be a 1st grader!!! Crazy. They are at the gym's inside pool swimming with Steve and should be home shortly.

We were able to play outside today since it warmed up. Isabella is teaching Ava how to drive the Barbie jeep. Watch out people....she's a crazy driver like her Mama! I loved hearing their giggles and squeals while they were playing today. Warms my heart! Plus it was a nice change from hearing them fighting. heehee

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