Monday, July 21, 2008


Yesterday we had a pool party for Ava for her upcoming 3rd birthday. When I was a kid, you had a day to celebrate your birthday, now a days, you celebrate for a week or more. LOL It was hot, hot, hot yesterday. Steve said it was "Texas hot". Truthfully, it was only 90 degrees but for Indiana, that's hot.

I told Steve this morning I don't need botox today. My skin on my forehead is tight from the sunburn so it smooths the wrinkles out. LOL We were in the water for about 5 hours and it felt soooo good. Ava is either naked or wearing one of Dialycia's t-shirts in all of the photos because she opened her presents and ate cake after swimming for a bit. Oh, well....can't look perfect all the time can we?

I took a beating (literally) yesterday. Dialycia was practicing fast pitch pitching and I got beamed in the ankle. It's nice and swollen and black and blue. I'm sure the joy it brought her in hitting me with the ball outweighed the sorrow of throwing a bad pitch. heehee

The girls are at moms/trents/dialevash's for the week and come back on Friday. Dialevash and Dialycia are coming up also and we are going to get their pictures taken and celebrate Ava's official b-day at Maggiano's on Saturday. I can only imagine how dark the kids will be after a week in the pool all day long. Steve is in Dallas until Thursday on business and I'm here cleaning, and getting the girls fall clothes ready for ebay.

I think my alternater (spelling?) is going out on my car so I will be confined to the house. I'm going to ask Amy tomorrow if I can go to the gym with her and use a guest pass this week. I've been so good about working out 5 times a week that I'll feel like a big ole blob if I don't go until Steve gets home and fixes my car on Thursday. When I called him and told him it wasn't starting and how it was acting when I did get it started he said I could take it to a shop to have them "test" the battery and alternator. I said, do you want me to have them fix it??? I think he about jumped out of his seat when I said that - he said they would take advantage of me and give me a bill for $1K if I brought it in. Luckily, he knows his way around a car and will fix it for me when he gets home.

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