Monday, June 16, 2008

Some pictures

This picture is of Ava and Isabella with her cousins - Grace is the one in the back and Sophia is next to Isabella. They all get along soooo good together. Grace (10 years old) is my cousin Vicky's daughter and Sophia (4 years old) is my cousin Sheryl's daughter. They both were adopted from China and are absolutely beautiful! (Isabella thinks it is "totally awesome" (her words) that she has not one, but TWO cousins who are from China). We were over at Vicky and Barbs house yesterday for a cookout and swim fest!

I had trouble loading pictures of the flowers (big surprise! LOL - I always have trouble with pictures) but here are a few. These were taken a couple weeks ago and everything has filled out and grown so much since these were taken. The first picture is the result of JD and Steve. We went to a nursery with JD and Ellen one Sunday and what started out as me saying ONE particular plant would look good in front of these electrical boxes turned into Steve and JD totally landscaping it. They had fun and so did Ellen and I as we sat on the front porch and watched our men working hard in the yard! We have "joint custody" of the flowers at this time. LOL Ellen tried t sneak her cilantro plant in there but JD removed it. There is some sage as well as some other flowers that aren't shown in the picture.

This is the fence row next to the "Barkers" (the dog who barks constantly when she doesn't have her bark collar on) - this side has really filled out since this picture.

This is our fence row along JD and Ellens house. JD has done a great job with his back yard this year.
This is the back side of our house - we have an herb garden scattered in the flowers - rosemary, basil, cilantro, CHIVES!! (this is for Jecku - :)) and some other things but I forget. Eventually we will be building patio off of this area but probably won't happen this year - hopefully next Spring though. The area sticking out of the house is our gas fireplace in the downstairs family room.

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