Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Green grass

Yesterday the girls and I were taking a walk (well, they were riding their bikes and I was walking) and as I walked I was looking at the neighbors yards. Only 3 yards in the neighborhood had truly green grass - ours, JD and Ellens and one other yard. I wondered on the walk home why these people didn't water their yards? They mow them and keep the lawn manicured and landscaped but they don't turn the sprinklers on. Our water bill goes up at the most $30 a month when we water - and we water a lot. At least twice a week we soak the front and back yards leaving the sprinklers on at least 2 hours but usually close to 3 hours. So, I just pondered this thought on the way home - I just wonder why. I LOVE pulling up to our house and seeing the vibrant green grass, beautiful flowers and shrubs and people comment on how nice our yards look. Maybe we love our yard too much. LOL

I never posted this milestone for Isabella. But in the spring, she finally was brave enough to ride her bike without training wheels. She zips around the neighborhood now and comments on wishing she would have tried it last summer. Oh,well...that's just how Isabella operates - she doesn't do ANYTHING until she knows she will be successful at it.

Steve and the girls went to the gym last night when he got home and I did laundry and then took a shower. I checked my cell phone after I got out and saw Ellen had called and left me a message. She wanted to know if I wanted to come over and have a glass of wine with Pam and her and talk about our 4th of July block party we are organizing. She did mention if I didn't call her back she would be knocking on my door in 10 minutes. So, I change into some clothes, put my wet hair in a ponytail and grab a glass of wine and head over. Only, they aren't next door or at Pams. As I'm walking back into my house I look down the street and see them talking about 5 houses down to a neighbor. I head down there and we end up talking with some neighbors for about 2 hours. Poor Steve came home and didn't know where I was. Note to self: leave note on counter next time. LOL

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