Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I got my trays today for Invisalign. Invisalign is basically removable braces. It's all computer generated and you have "trays" that you wear 22 hours of the day (removed only to drink or eat). I call them - an expensive diet! LOL We upgraded our dental insurance to cover Adult Orthodontics so it's nice to finally be on the road to perfect teeth. I didn't have bad teeth to begin with, just a little crowding on the bottom - but still, I'm such a teeth person I wanted to get them fixed while it was covered. When Steve came home from work today he couldn't even tell I had them in, they literally are like a clear 2nd "skin" on your teeth.

After I got back from the dentist (of course, the trays couldn't have come in while Steve was on vacation last week - so I called Christine to come down to watch the girls for an hour) I took the kids to the pool. It was only 80 degrees here today so I knew the pool was going to be chilly - especially after getting out! So, I warned them before hand if we went they had to play on their own because Mama more than likely wasn't getting in the water today. They did awesome! Isabella is a little fish and swam all over the place. Thankfully, she can touch in almost the entire pool - just a little section where she can't touch. Ava stays in the shallow end and jumps off the side non stop. But, Ava basically went to the pool to sit on the lounge chair next to me eating snacks I brought. LOL

It's suppose to be nice (no rain) the next 2 days so I plan to work out and then hit the pool for a couple hours. It's awesome putting the kids to bed at night after a day in the sun and pool.

I do have a prayer request for the prayer warriors out there. My sister in law Angie (she is married to Steve's oldest brother - the "Favorite One" Danny (Danny's self proclaimed title) - well, her mother entered hospice care last week. Please pray for peace, comfort and acceptance of what they are experiencing. Thanks!

1 comment:

Angie said...

Thanks for the well wishes, Alisha. Danny is the Rock of Gilbrator. He has been a great help with the kids and a tremendous support to us. Now, I truly know why Eileen coined him as the "The Favorite One". ang