Monday, April 14, 2008

My head hurts...........

Too much of a good thing can make your head spin and hurt. I've just about driven myself silly looking at these pictures my SIL took and trying to figure out what to order larger sizes of. I ordered the proofs so I could have them in my hands and decide and frame some of the 4x6's and then put them all in a mini album. I, personally wouldn't mind a nice little shrine of my faves of each of the girls hung - but Steve isn't on board with that way of thinking. He wants me to rotate them - but even by doing that - I still can't decide or narrow it down to ONE favorite of each girl. They all have different and special meaning to how I view them. IT"S JUST PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ugh. LOL Darn you Eileen!!!!!!!!!!

Tomorrow I am getting my hair color fixed. The middle of January I had it highlighted and it didn't take so the stylist who did it wasn't confident on the *fix method* to do so she asked some other stylists. That should have been my first warning right? She had cut it a couple weeks earlier and gave me one of the best cuts of my life so for some reason I assumed she was comfortable with color. Well, the *fix* she gave me lightened my hair several shades - I had been a chocolate brown when I walked in the salon. I USE to be a beautiful auburn but age and some natural highlights (aka - GRAY) caused me to turn to the bottle. The dye job bottle. Well, while getting a massage a couple weeks ago I was telling the therapist I was so unhappy with it but didn't trust the original girl to redo it or fix it. Long story short - she talked with the lead colorist in the salon and she called me and is fixing it for me - free of charge! I go to the salon at the gym and the prices they charge would indicate they have the experience for it - guess you don't always get what you pay for.

I went to school with Isabella today and spent the day testing the students again for mid-terms. It cracks me up how much they love seeing someone other than the regular teachers. We found out Friday the last day of school is going to be May 21st since they didn't have any snow days this year. So, the 5 days that were built in to the calendar for snow days won't be needed and they get out a week earlier. Yeah!!!! Isabella has a lead role in the class play they are doing at their little graduation program. We'll spend a little time each day going over her lines so she'll know them. I already get worked up and nervous inside for her and it's a month away. ugh!!!!! They have their spring field trip a week from Thursday. Steve I think is going to chaperone this one since I went on the fall one. They are going to the zoo - I know for sure one of us will be there - I would be a nervous wreck sending her off without one of us there.

Wow, common theme in this post - me being a nervous wreck. I need a break!!!! Calgon - take me a way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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