Friday, April 25, 2008

Crazy day...

Wow, my neighbor (the one with the barking dog) tried to commit suicide today. I was getting ready to take Isabella to school and there were 2 police cars at her house and the ambulance arrived shortly after. JD stayed outside while I dropped Isabella off. When I got back it was just the police. I went over to talk to them and see if she was ok and that is when they told me she took a bunch of pills and was really depressed. She and her husband are getting a divorce and when I talked with her the other day she was *happy* they were splitting up (so she said). So, I don't know what's going through her head. They put the dogs in the back yard so I went over a couple hours ago and took them some cat food. LOL They ate it like they hadn't eaten in days so I went to JD's and got some dog food and he and I took it over and fed them and Isabella and I played frisbee with the dogs. Gave them fresh water and left a note on her back door to let me know if she needs anything. I hate to think someone is hurting that bad.

Isabella had her 6 year well check today. She is doing great - a small little peanut but healthy - eyes good, hearing good. We discussed her asthma and are going to try and wean her off of the Singulair and keep her on the inhaler only (steroid inhaler) and see how she does. I asked about the seriousness of her condition and if it was as scary as those with asthma who wheeze. She said that Isabella has a moderately severe case due to the frequency of her attacks and the fact it can't be controlled with Singulair only. She was not too hopeful it is something she will grow out of since it's progressively gotten worse. She did say that she is not as worried with cough variant asthma vs the wheezing. In both cases the airway is inflamed making it difficult for her to breath. In 6 months we will reevaluate and if things don't stay controlled then she will have more advanced allergy testing done to look for some more specific triggers. We are concerned about potential food allergy/gluten intolerance. I had to go to pick her up at school on Wednesday because she because very nauseous and sick to her stomach after eating a donut. This has happened before when we were at my moms while eating breakfast at Golden Corral (glazed yeast donut). The doctor doesn't know if it's her body kinda gong in shock with the sugar since we rarely eat sugar here - the kids don't drink kool-aid or juicey type drinks - heck other than an occasional glass of OJ, they dont ever have juice. They don't get fruit roll ups or the fruit gummy snacks or stuff like that. Our snacks here in the house consist of bananas, oranges, strawberrys, blueberries, raspberries, grapes, pears, etc.. I told her I don't want my kids to walk around like food geeks and freak when they get sugar in their bodies. LOL

Well, off to settle in for the evening. I tried posting yesterday but for some reason blogger froze up on me after I spent about 30 minutes typing a long winded post. Now, I don't even remember what I attempted to say. heehee

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