Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Game on!

JD is going out of town for work for about 6 weeks so he brought us over his Wii for us to use while he is gone. Isabella and I have been having a blast playing each other. Darn her! She is soooo good. I wish I could blame it on the hand and eye coordination but really you don't need much with the Wii. I even did the "training/practice" exercises they have for tennis while she was at school today hoping that would *up* my game. Um, no - it didn't help. Isabella can keep a tennis volley going for a loooong time. The most I returned - FIVE. Its sad. I think it's even sadder that I'm practicing to try and beat my 6 year old. LOL

We got Isabella some Silk organic soy milk and she loves it. I was worried if she would't like it but she does and it doesn't make her sick - yippee!! She is having her allergy testing done on May 9 and has to stop taking her Singulair now so it will be out of her system and not affect the testing and results. Hopefully, with the cold weather we are having right now, the steriod inhaler she takes daily will do the trick.

Last night we went and ate sushi. I hadn't eaten sushi in a loooooong time. I think since we left Texas. Well, we brought the kids with us and figured they would be able to eat some noodles and rice. And did they ever. We got them some soba noodles and white rice, Isabella wanted some dumplings (don't know where she heard about them) but we got some steamed pork (my vote was shrimp or crab since I've given up eating pork but I was outvoted) - and Isabella ate them and loved them. In fact, kept asking us if we would stop at the store on the way home to buy stuff to make them. Also, they both ate edamame (steamed soy beans in their pods with sea salt). What topped the meal off for the girls was using chopsticks. They used chopsticks for the entire meal. I wish I would have had my camera - it was priceless!!!! Truth be told, they did better than most adults using them. We didn't have a single piece of silverware on the table except the chopsticks. It kept them entertained and occupied. They were so darn good! It was a great family meal.

Well, I need to get dinner started - it's almost 5:00.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Please pray for Isabella

I mentioned in the previous post about Isabella and possible food allergy - well, we are almost positive she has a milk food allergy. Not a lactose intolerance but an allergy. Last night she had a bowl of cereal, almost immediately after eating it she told me she felt like she did the other day at school after eating the donut and drinking the milk. We had not even mentioned to her about the potential allergy - she just unfortunately is getting use to being sick to her stomach after eating. Well, she continued to feel bad for several hours and came into our bedroom around 1:00 am and said she felt like she could throw up. She eventually did and then remained up for the rest of the evening not feeling well. Why oh why do I not take note of this stuff much sooner? She complains of feeling like she has to throw up quite often actually. Although I KNOW that isn't normal, I never know if she is exaggerating or if she is kinda gun shy thinking she's going to throw up since we had that virus a couple months ago. I feel like the worst mother in the world - especially since she coughed at night for probably close to a year. ugh - I feel even WORSE typing it. So, first thing Monday morning I will call our Pediatrician (who is a childhood friend of mine) and have her set up allergy testing ASAP. I'm going to pick up some soy milk tomorrow and she how Isabella likes it. When I did a quick google search this morning on milk allergy I felt like I was punch in the gut - she had/has every single symptom - plus, Wednesday after I picked her up from school I noticed a red rash all over her arms but just attributed it to dry skin. She has had eczema for a few years that we put a steriod cream on and it controls it but now I'm wondering if the outbreaks are from the milk (eczema outbreaks are a symptom of the allergy). It will be nice to have the advance allergy testing and skin pricks done so we will know for sure. Hopefully, the milk allergy isn't the culprit.

I spoke with my neighbor Lori's husband today and asked how she was doing. He said she was so-so and would be inpatient at the psych ward for about a week and then go into intensive outpatient. He said she has struggled with depression for several years and the last year and half it's hit her pretty hard. He said Lori was really glad to see him and glad he came to visit last night. Brian said he took her some clothes today but the hospital has a system/routine in place that doesn't allow visitors on the 2nd day. There is limited visiting hours tomorrow and he'll visit then. Her Dad is flying in town tonight and will be able to go see her tomorrow as well. Please say a prayer for her and for Brian. This is really hard on him seeing her suffer and he doesn't want a divorce and is holding on to some hope she will get the therapy for herself she needs to be able to mend the marriage.

Steve is having to work disgustingly (is that even a word?) long hours today. He had to fire a guy because he came in to work drunk. Steve went to work at 6:00 am. and it's now 9:00 pm and he's still at work. Thankfully, he is off Sunday and Monday so he can sleep in tomorrow. We'll hit the gym for some cardio and lift a few weights, pop into the tanning bed (Steve too!) and then Steve and another neighbor are going to take the girls and their daughter Sophia to a park to play.

I talked to my sister in law Dialevash today and she said they filled their pool yesterday. Hopefully, it won't take too long for it to warm up. She bought a solar cover for it and the pool gets full sun all day so we can't wait to swim all summer long! She and my brother will be sick of me and the girls by summers end. heehee Dialycia won't ever want to come and spend some time with us up here with a pool in her back yard - maybe we can twist her arm for a visit!

Off to go watch a movie with the girls - Labyrinth. Had never heard of it until we watched it one night with Ellen. Isabella is normally a super duper chicken when it comes to anything even remotely spooky but she and Ava fell in love with this crazy movie. They loaned us the movie but I bought a copy off of ebay since the kids watch it every single night. I'm sure once I give this DVD back and the one I bought arrives they'll be sick of it. LOL

Good night!.... Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite! That is Isabella and I's saying every night before bedtime. I'll say to her Good night, sleep tight and she will respond back "don't let the bed bugs bite". It didn't start out to be a nightly tradition bt it just stuck. My good night saying for Ava is Me: See you later alligator, Ava: After while crocodile. I love they will grow up with that memory. (After typing this I feel very deja vu - like I've typed this on a recent post....if so - excuse my forgetful memory.)

Friday, April 25, 2008

Crazy day...

Wow, my neighbor (the one with the barking dog) tried to commit suicide today. I was getting ready to take Isabella to school and there were 2 police cars at her house and the ambulance arrived shortly after. JD stayed outside while I dropped Isabella off. When I got back it was just the police. I went over to talk to them and see if she was ok and that is when they told me she took a bunch of pills and was really depressed. She and her husband are getting a divorce and when I talked with her the other day she was *happy* they were splitting up (so she said). So, I don't know what's going through her head. They put the dogs in the back yard so I went over a couple hours ago and took them some cat food. LOL They ate it like they hadn't eaten in days so I went to JD's and got some dog food and he and I took it over and fed them and Isabella and I played frisbee with the dogs. Gave them fresh water and left a note on her back door to let me know if she needs anything. I hate to think someone is hurting that bad.

Isabella had her 6 year well check today. She is doing great - a small little peanut but healthy - eyes good, hearing good. We discussed her asthma and are going to try and wean her off of the Singulair and keep her on the inhaler only (steroid inhaler) and see how she does. I asked about the seriousness of her condition and if it was as scary as those with asthma who wheeze. She said that Isabella has a moderately severe case due to the frequency of her attacks and the fact it can't be controlled with Singulair only. She was not too hopeful it is something she will grow out of since it's progressively gotten worse. She did say that she is not as worried with cough variant asthma vs the wheezing. In both cases the airway is inflamed making it difficult for her to breath. In 6 months we will reevaluate and if things don't stay controlled then she will have more advanced allergy testing done to look for some more specific triggers. We are concerned about potential food allergy/gluten intolerance. I had to go to pick her up at school on Wednesday because she because very nauseous and sick to her stomach after eating a donut. This has happened before when we were at my moms while eating breakfast at Golden Corral (glazed yeast donut). The doctor doesn't know if it's her body kinda gong in shock with the sugar since we rarely eat sugar here - the kids don't drink kool-aid or juicey type drinks - heck other than an occasional glass of OJ, they dont ever have juice. They don't get fruit roll ups or the fruit gummy snacks or stuff like that. Our snacks here in the house consist of bananas, oranges, strawberrys, blueberries, raspberries, grapes, pears, etc.. I told her I don't want my kids to walk around like food geeks and freak when they get sugar in their bodies. LOL

Well, off to settle in for the evening. I tried posting yesterday but for some reason blogger froze up on me after I spent about 30 minutes typing a long winded post. Now, I don't even remember what I attempted to say. heehee

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


What beautiful weather we have been having. YEAH!!!!!!! We have spent the past 5 days outside almost the entire day. We even ate dinner outside - Steve grilled burgers and we sat outside at the table and munched away. They were good. Speaking of Steve - um, you are crazy dude. I just read your blog and we are no closer to getting a dog as we are sending me to the moon. Enough said. LOL

We planted flowers and worked in the yard all day - it is looking so nice. I'll post pictures this week. The kids play so hard when they are outside and they are soooo dirty when they come in for a bath. There is something so rewarding seeing a dirty stinky kid go in the bathtub and come out smelling so good. Plus, they are so wore out they cuddle up on the couch and watch a movie and crash for the night.

Tomorrow Isabella has her field trip to the zoo - the weather is going to be gorgeous yet again - mid 70's. Steve is going with her as a chaperone - they will have a blast.

I took a new class at the gym today. On the schedule it said it was Yoga-Pilates but the instructor called it a Fusion class. Let me tell you - we did very minimal yoga - LOL. It was more of a total body workout with lots of squats, lunges and weights. We did do lots of core work and I feel like I sweat about 10 pounds off - I will definetly be back every Wednesday.

That's it for now. Off to mop the kitchen floor and enjoy the silence while Ava is napping. Isabella is riding the bus home again from school since the weather is nice. When it was cold outside it was just quicker for me to go to the school and pick her up vs waiting on the bus to bring her home.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

5.2 @ 5:37

Can you believe we had an earthquake here in Indiana???? I was awakened by the doors and windows shaking at 5:37 in the a.m.. It even woke Isabella up. She came into my bedroom after it finished (probably about 15 seconds of rumbling and shaking) and asked if we were having a tornado. I told her no but I was pretty sure we just had an earthquake. First thought was someone was trying to break in the house but the security system wasn't going off so I knew that wasn't it and then my second thought was maybe Jesus was coming back to rapture us. I actually let this sit in the forefront of my mind for several minutes and kept praying for it to be true. Once the TV was turned on though I realized my earthquake scenario was correct. Steve had already left for work and was driving and said he didn't feel anything. A few hours later I guess there was an aftershock and he felt that one.

Last night JD and Ellen took us out to eat and then the kids went over and watched a movie with them. We went in on a big order of mulch to be delivered on Monday so our houses will match - especially along the fence row. So, Steve and JD will be spreading mulch all day Monday.

Tonight they had a "Spring Fling" at Isabella's school. Basically a big fundraiser. They have games set up in each of the classrooms, big bounce houses and slides in the gym, food and silent auction baskets in the cafeteria and the library had prizes for you to redeem from playing the games. Steve had to work tonight but the girls and I had a good time and we saw just about all the other kids from her class and I was able to catch up with the other Mommy's. We also saw Christine (our babysitter) and her brother Cory who were working at the prize center - so the kids got to get lots of love and hugs from Christine and all her friends.

Isabella will be reading Green Eggs and Ham to her class on May 8 (I think that is the date). Each Friday, a student in the class gets to read a book of their choice to the class. Isabella's favorite books are Dr. Suess books so it makes perfect sense for her to pick a classic like Green Eggs and Ham. It was between this book and A Fly Went By.

After dinner last night we went on a walk with JD, Ellen and their dogs. Isabella walked Waffle (small little doggie), Steve had Mikey and JD had Verdel. Ellen and I just walked and talked. Almost all of the neighborhood was out so we were able to catch up and talk with everyone. We live in a great neighborhood!

Well, the bunk beds are now seperated once again and they each are in their own rooms. Sharing a room didn't last but a few weeks. Steve and I are struggling with the girls right now. What is it with kids, the more you give the more they expect?????? LOL We have spoiled our kids way too much. Spoiled them with toys, stuffed animals (Webkinz - I think Isabella has over 30 - of course we didn't buy them all) and now even with our time. Steve and I both spend so much of our time in direct contact with the kids - coloring, playing games, hopscotch, sidewalk chalk, playground - even watching TV they want us right there with them. Some would think - what is the problem??? Well, they almost freak out when they are told no when asking us to do any of these things. I guess too much of ANYTHING isn't a good thing.

Trace Adkins has a song - You're Gonna Miss This - and I keep reminding myself that I WILL miss being woke up by a 2 1/2 year old every morning telling me she wants to eat, or asking me to play Barbies with her, coloring with Isabella, etc.. So - I'm trying to continue to remind myself of this but Steve and I are still wondering if we are turning them into brats??? We already know we've spoiled them - but are they now spoiled brats??? (I'm saying this sorta tongue in cheek and sarcastic. So, don't anyone go off spewing emails about how bad of a mommy I am!!! I tell myself that enough without anyone elses input!) :)

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Deep thinking.....

Sometimes things get in my head and get me thinking and wondering. A lot has to do with my walk with Christ and feeling like I'm failing so miserably as a servant. Poor Steve has to listen to my ramblings and try to figure out what I'm saying when I can't even express it properly or to my own understanding. I was telling him last night how sad I felt about feeling like I take for granted my relationship with Jesus. I pray and talk to God several times during the day but I don't do the deep soul searching, scouring scripture looking for peace, knowledge and understanding. I told him when I was having all of my miscarriages after Isabella was born I was so close to God. I felt his presence all around and sought him out constantly. Now, our family is complete, we have our health and a great life and I'm taking it all for granted (my walk with the Lord not all of our blessings). I KNOW we are blessed beyond what we deserve and last night I got to thinking I better snap to it and change my attitude.

Ugh - I just spent 30 minutes typing and trying to make sense of these mindless ramblings I have going on in my head. But, after I had it all typed I knew it was so confusing and would make me look like a nut job. My latest questions and wonderings going on within me - does God remove obstacles we face or does God just give us peace and comfort while we experience them? Is everything that happens (good and bad) God's "will". ie: babies being born prematurely and dying, babies and children getting cancer and being taken from their family too soon. That's God's will? I'm getting more confused as I type. LOL

I remember feeling VERY strongly when I was suffering miscarriages that I was being disciplined by God. I couldn't find one person who would agree with me when I would mention it - but we ARE His children, He is our father - he wants us to listen to HIM, he wants us to follow HIM, he wants us to obey HIM, love Him, respect Him, honor Him. (Don't we want this from our own children? And if they don't follow what do we do? Discipline in a way or until they understand). And I can tell you - from my deepest sorrow and loneliness I felt, from the bitterness, anger, abandonment and betrayal I felt by God - I DID learn to love him follow him, respect him, honor him, give him Glory, praise him, witness for Him. Isn't that the point of discipline? I don't know.....Now, I do NOT question my salvation. I know and believe 100% I am saved and justified all because of the sacrifice of the cross. Have I confused you all?

Ok, to finish I will share a funny Ava event. This morning I had finished taking a shower and was getting ready. Ava comes in to the bathroom with an arm full of Cinderella dolls and a little playground and hands me one and says "You play with me?" I told her I couldn't right then but I would after we got back from the gym. She walked off and said "Thanks a lot"!!!!!!!!!!!!! In the best sarcastic voice a 2 year 8 month old could muster. LOL

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Yeah, I love my hair! She matched it to my roots - which are now totally brown with zero hints of red/auburn in it and then put in about 6 carmel highlights. It looks so nice and it feels so good.

Speaking of hair - I don't know what the heck is going on with Isabella's. Unless I dry it and straighten it after she washes it - it seriously mattes up. It freakin' looks and feels like a birds nest. So, I bought some deep conditioner tonight at CVS so slather on her hair and see if that helps.

And my, oh my how I love CVS. It is a drugstore like Walgreens - but they have a rewards card and run specials all the time where if you buy certain products you earn Extra Care Bucks (essentially free money to use back at CVS). Working the deals is time consuming and you have to read up on the coupon boards (hot coupon world is the one I use) to give you tips on getting stuff for free. Last week was an AWESOME money making week - we have so much excedrin, generic tylenol and Pepcid AC (all for free with the Pepcid actually netting me a profit of $5.50) to last for a year. I had stockpiled earlier in the year Tide HE, paper towels, deoderant, toilet paper, bar soap and toothpaste that have lasted for about 8 months. We are on our last tube of toothpaste but they have buy one get one free of colgate and I have coupons that I'll be able to use that will bring the total down to $1 for 2 packs of toothpaste. I'll use my extra care bucks though to pay for it so I won't have any out of pocket expense.

Off to switch the clothes from the washing machine to the dryer, clean the girls bathroom and finish up a couple other things before the season finale of The Biggest Loser comes on. I love this show!!!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

My head hurts...........

Too much of a good thing can make your head spin and hurt. I've just about driven myself silly looking at these pictures my SIL took and trying to figure out what to order larger sizes of. I ordered the proofs so I could have them in my hands and decide and frame some of the 4x6's and then put them all in a mini album. I, personally wouldn't mind a nice little shrine of my faves of each of the girls hung - but Steve isn't on board with that way of thinking. He wants me to rotate them - but even by doing that - I still can't decide or narrow it down to ONE favorite of each girl. They all have different and special meaning to how I view them. IT"S JUST PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ugh. LOL Darn you Eileen!!!!!!!!!!

Tomorrow I am getting my hair color fixed. The middle of January I had it highlighted and it didn't take so the stylist who did it wasn't confident on the *fix method* to do so she asked some other stylists. That should have been my first warning right? She had cut it a couple weeks earlier and gave me one of the best cuts of my life so for some reason I assumed she was comfortable with color. Well, the *fix* she gave me lightened my hair several shades - I had been a chocolate brown when I walked in the salon. I USE to be a beautiful auburn but age and some natural highlights (aka - GRAY) caused me to turn to the bottle. The dye job bottle. Well, while getting a massage a couple weeks ago I was telling the therapist I was so unhappy with it but didn't trust the original girl to redo it or fix it. Long story short - she talked with the lead colorist in the salon and she called me and is fixing it for me - free of charge! I go to the salon at the gym and the prices they charge would indicate they have the experience for it - guess you don't always get what you pay for.

I went to school with Isabella today and spent the day testing the students again for mid-terms. It cracks me up how much they love seeing someone other than the regular teachers. We found out Friday the last day of school is going to be May 21st since they didn't have any snow days this year. So, the 5 days that were built in to the calendar for snow days won't be needed and they get out a week earlier. Yeah!!!! Isabella has a lead role in the class play they are doing at their little graduation program. We'll spend a little time each day going over her lines so she'll know them. I already get worked up and nervous inside for her and it's a month away. ugh!!!!! They have their spring field trip a week from Thursday. Steve I think is going to chaperone this one since I went on the fall one. They are going to the zoo - I know for sure one of us will be there - I would be a nervous wreck sending her off without one of us there.

Wow, common theme in this post - me being a nervous wreck. I need a break!!!! Calgon - take me a way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Yippee Skippeee!!!!!!!!!

The Office is back on the air tonight! Oh, how I love me some Office. Several months ago we bought some new fish for the tank and named them Dwight, Angela, Michael, Pam and Jim - and guess what....during the strike they all died. I kid you not!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Isabella likes Angela - because during the bat episode when the bat flew out in the office Angela did stop drop and roll to escape it. LOL She also likes Jim and Pam so she named 3 of the fish - Angela, Jim and Pam and I took Dwight and Michael. And, another funny thing - the Dwight fish chased the Michael fish around the tank. Ok.....I'm a dork I know!!!!!!!!!

Probably allowing my 6 year old to watch The Office DVD's with me won't get me a nomination for Mother of the Year. Then, add my latest great Mom moment to the list! The kids wanted to go swimming at the gym yesterday so I called Steve and he said he'd take them. He even asked if it was open swim and I said I was pretty sure the only time it was closed was on Mondays. He even went further to say, well, make sure it's open swim and THEN tell the kids he would take them. I'm guessing you all are seeing where this is headed. He gets them to the gym and all changed and switched into swim suits....drum roll....private swim lessons are taking place. He was NOT happy with me. So, after bribing them with candy and a trip to the pet store to check out the animals they came home happy - well, kinda. Steve still wasn't too happy with me.

We've enjoyed nice warm spring weather the past few days but this weekend it's suppose to be cold. Thankfully, just for 2 days and then it's warming back up. We spent Sunday and Monday working in the yard and prepping the flower beds for the season. I just love this time of year - new life all around. trees budding, plants peeking through the ground, checking out what survived the winter and is standing strong. Of course - our house is afflicted with seasonal allergies so lots of sneezing and sinus headaches. It's more Steve, Ava and I with the sneezes and runny noses - Isabella and her asthma has trouble going from hot to cold. Hopefully, we will be decreasing her inhaler to one puff a day and then in the summer going off of it until the fall. She still takes her Singulair each evening though - which explains why her allergies are kept at bay.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

TONS and TONS of Pictures!!!

My sister in law is an awesome photographer and took these pictures of the girls over Christmas at Steve's parents house. These are only a small fraction of them. I don't know how I will decide what to order and frame on the walls. Thank you so much Eileen!!!!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Sneak Peak of Pictures

I don't have time to add more right now. I will add some more tomorrow of both of the girls.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Spring Break '08 almost Over

The week is almost over. The girls and I are going home tomorrow afternoon. Isabella is REALLY missing her Daddy. She is a major Daddy's girl and will come up and ask do you miss Daddy and she will tell me at least every day that she misses her Daddy. So, we are going to go ahead and leave tomorrow and be home when he gets out of work so we'll have tomorrow night with him along with his regular days off (Sunday and Monday).

The girls are staying again with their Aunt Dialevash (my bro's wife). Ava has really bonded with "aunt DeeVash" as she calls her. Today she was sitting in time out because she once again hit her sister - I wouldn't let her get up until she could sit on the couch without crying. Anyone who knows Ava knows this girl is stubborn so she sat next to me for quite a while. Towards the end of it she mumbles out through her tears "Deeee Vash, Deeee Vash". Actually my SIL could pass for Ava's mommy - they have the exact same hair color and their eyes are very similar as well as complexion - maybe I'll snap a picture of them together tomorrow for comparison sake. Uncle Trent had been numero uno in Ava's eyes up until this visit, but Dialevash has gained some ground on him if not surpassed. LOL Like they are competing for Ava's love. ahhh - aren't we all.

Yesterday I met my best buddies from childhood (well Cindi, Brandi and Jamie) over at Cindi's house for lunch. Talk about walking into a showroom (Cindi's house). It is STUNNING!!!!! She is an interior decorator - and my oh my - her house is just gorgeous. We are meeting in May to redo and finish out a couple rooms I'm not satisfied with - especially after seeing her house again. We had a great visit. I laughed to myself as I was driving back to my mom's about how times have changed. Before we talked about boys, then marriage, then kids, houses, etc.. Yesterday we talked about going in together to purchase a grass only fed cow and butchering it up and where to buy free range chicken eggs and chickens. It was a great time and could have only been better if Steph would have been in town to meet us.

Tomorrow one of my uncles is coming in to stay at mom's for a couple of days so hopefully, I'll be able to see him before we leave. My SIL Eileen uploaded the outside photo shoot of Isabella and Ava for me last night. When I get back home I am going to post some of the pics - they are beyond amazing. She is a true talent behind that camera. I *tried* narrowing down my favorite pictures to order - yeah, I narrowed it down to 46 to chose from. It is going to be so tough figuring out what to mount and frame, what to send out to family and friends, etc.. Thank you Tia Eileen for your love for my girls and your dedication to your job. We love you!!!!! (and miss you bunches!!!))

Oh, and my mom and I are taking a road trip this summer to see my sister in Texas!!!! We are going to take the girls on a tour of Graceland on either the way down or the way back - we haven't nailed down the dates we are going/leaving etc but we are planning it. I can't wait to go!

That's the latest and greatest here - well, all that I can remember of it.


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Rain, Rain Go Away.......

My goodness. I don't remember the last time I've seen the sun. It has rained it seems for the past few weeks. The kids are going stir crazy so the moment we get a break in the rain we send them outside to run and play. LOL

Steve is lonely all alone but thankfully one of my best friends husband is going to spend a couple nights at the house. My friends husband is doing some training in North Indy so instead of having to drive 2 hours each way, every day he's going to stay at the house tonight and tomorrow night. Steve is glad to have some company besides Daisy and Molly. heehee