Wednesday, December 10, 2008

She cracks me up!

Isabella is more and more like me each day. The other day I was at the gym and Steve calls me and starts laughing and saying she is such a young version of me it's not funny (poor kid!). You see, I have a minor little flaw - I make up words - often. Sometimes, on purpose - and sometimes I have to admit - because I'm a little dingy. Well, Isabella was talking to Steve the other day and saying how she wished Daisy was less shy and she wished Molly was less atackitive - I guess she was combining being too active and being too aggressive (attacking).

The weather here has been wacky. Freezing cold one minute, cold and snowy another, rainy and in the 40's the next day and now we are back to cold. I don't know when the last time I saw the sun.

Sunday some of my friends in the neighborhood are meeting up and having a "wrapping" party. It worked out to be perfect timing because I still have the girls gifts from santa that need wrapped but I haven't been looking forward to locking myself in the closet to wrap them. Now, I'll drag them over to Pams and wrap and then I'm storing them at JD and Ellens until Christmas Eve. So, win, win, win!

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