Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The latest on my sister in law

She is out of surgery and high on morphine. heehee The initial fear was MRSA on the fascia (this will mean something to the medical folk - but only made a little sense once my sister in laws mother explained it to me better). She is on some heavy antibiotics and at this time believe it is cellulitis that was under her muscle. Her leg looked unbelievable and the infection was literally spreading by the hour.

They will know more tomorrow and know if they are using the proper antibiotic to treat it.

And a side note - I was so scattered in thoughts and rushing to make it to the hospital that I hit a patch of black ice and rear ended a truck. Thank God, no damage to his truck but his trailer hitch left a nice hole in Steve's bumper. I was also super thankful to be driving Steves car instead of my BMW. Trivial I know. The most important thing right now is we believe my sister in law will be fine.

Thanks for the prayers.

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