Friday, August 8, 2008

Not much happening

Not much happening really here to blog about. Same thing, different day. Yoga, swimming, laundry, baths, bed ---repeat. The kids are doing great with me moving their bedtimes back 15 minutes each night. During the summer we basically had zero bedtime routine or bedtime period. Just kinda - when they fell asleep - they went to sleep. Spare me the nasty comments about how bad we are and how much kids need sleep....:)

This is the last weekend before Isabella starts 1st grade. She is beyond excited and each day gives me the countdown as to how many more days until she goes.

The weather - oh my gosh - has just been beyond amazing. Today it was 82 I think for the high. We went swimming with Amy and Jack and Jordan (Amy's step-daughter) and truthfully, it was quite chilly for the kids while they were swimming. We had the windows opened all day long and the light breeze felt great flowing through the house. It's suppose to be like this all weekend. Love it! Steve is off tomorrow all day so we will definetly cook out dinner on the grill!

The girls have been playing together so well the past week - it has been sooooooo nice! Very, very minimal fighting - I think we've turned a corner (fingers crossed!!).

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