Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Ready for the cold!

Well, not really. I don't want it to arrive, but I know it will. We bought electric blankets for the girls beds and they came in yesterday. Ava has a habit of getting up during the middle of the night because she is cold - and she has good reason - her room and bed really is cold! Then, last week the high was only in the low 60's a couple of days and I realized I didn't have winter coats for the girls yet. So, today, their Gap Hot Pink warmest coats arrived along with hats/gloves, etc - so we are set! I hope it is several weeks before we have to use them. I'm not ready for winter - just yet.

Steve took the girls to the gym to swim when he got home from work. I'm going to watch The Biggest Loser and then settle in for the Presidential Debate.

JD and Ellen are having Mikey their German Shepard (the dog that bit Steve) put to sleep tomorrow morning. I told the girls today (a very abbreviated/kid friendly version) and Isabella took it VERY hard. She immediately broke down crying and you could see JD and Ellen tearing up. He is in severe pain and they have done all they can to alleviate it and help him, but nothing is working. Tomorrow night will be a sad night hanging out without Mikey.

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