Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Don't look

After lunch today Ava came to me asking if she could have a granola bar. I bought a case of these Kashi trail mix granola bars many months ago because I was paying $2 each time I worked out it seemed and it was getting expensive. Anyway, I'm getting sidetracked....So, she asks for a granola bar and I asked if she ate her lunch. She said yes, so we start walking to the cabinet. I asked again - "you ate ALL of your lunch?". She shook her head yes, then no, then yes again. (her back was to me). I said, ok, well, first I want to go and look at your plate to make sure you ate it all - she responded ok quickly. Then hesitated and said - "ok, just don't go and look. ok?". She's such a stinker. Anyway, she finished her sandwich and I gave in to give her a granola bar and we were out. Her reply "we have to go to the store AGAIN". LOL She's a mess!!!!

We've still been working with Isabella about being nice to everyone. She's doing so so with it and making the effort to be nice. In her defense, I will say - Rylea does seem a little needy - but still, no reason to put somoene on the "bad list" or whatever the heck the list was.

Tonight is Project Runways Finale. So, we are having a big neighborhood girls night. Well, the usual - me, Ellen, Jenny, Pam, Amy and Chris will be there but a couple others are joining in on the fun. We are doing champagne, fruit and sweets. It's really not the TV show that drives us to get together. It really is the friendships and the great fellowship we have together. Sunday evening several of us went to JD & Ellens for dinner and we were like - what are we going to do next week when Project Runway is over. We will go thru Wednesday night withdrawals. LOL

Well, it's about time for Isabella to get home so off to meet her.

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