Saturday, July 31, 2010

What the heck!!!!?????!!!!

I agreed to run a 5K race September 18 with one of my BFF's Kris and her daughter - 15 year old Lexi. Why we decided to do this - I don't know. I just know we were kinda discussing it - smart mouth 15 year old said "how hard could it be to run 3 miles" and then it kinda snowballed from there. So, Kris got us set up on the Couch to 5K running plan and - it's a gradual process and thus far it's working. We've completed our first week of running training - the only gripes are sore shins. I've been icing them and that has seemed to help - but actually when I run I actually feel really good.

The worst part of this running I'm hungry all the time - well, mainly at night. I could eat the entire pantry. I need to just drink water, water and some more water or eat an apple or something to alleviate my hunger and attacking of whatever I can get my hands on. So, that is really the biggest adjustment. We just have to run 3 x week so it's not too brutal.

I start personal training sessions with an old friend from high school. I cheered with her and we were good friends during school but after we both graduated, we really lost touch with each other and I don't think I've even seen her since we graduated. Anyway, she lives about 30 miles away and she owns a Fitness Center and she teaches several classes. She just recently got her personal training certification and posted it on Facebook. Well, since I have been stagnet since really January when I had my biopsy on my foot and then had my melanoma surgery, fell down the steps and had a hairline sacrum fracture, another biopsy on my foot, another melanoma diagnosis, another melanoma surgery - I haven't been able to be back at the gym.

I have my 20 year class reunion coming up - and botox just can't fix everything! :) So, I'm going to drive over to Brownsburg twice a week for the next 2 months and take a beating from Jamie - train for this 5K and then also do 3xweek some hard core cardio on my own at the gym. With all of that - I should be in tip top shape for a 38 year old woman at my 20 year class reunion! I shouldn't give all my secrets away now should I? I should have kept quiet and then showed up - and act like I looked like this all the time. Oh, well....

The kids start school in less than 2 weeks. Today we went school supply shopping and picked them up some clothes for school. Both kids are set for the first couple of months of school while it's still warm. Now, when it turns cold - the pocketbook is going to be taking a deep hit...(be prepared Steve) because we don't have anything bought. Well, Isabella's tops from the cool season will still work for her this year but she has outgrown all of her 7 slim jeans and Ava has zero - and I mean zero - cool weather cothing.

Stride Rite is having their Buy 1 get 1 1/2 off sale right now so we will probably go Monday - if Steve is feeling up to it (he is having an endoscopy done in the morning) and get them their tennis shoes for the year. Well, first part of the year - they are pretty hard on them that they wind up getting a 2nd pair during the middle of the year. I'm so happy that they have outgrown (well, I have outgrown) the multiple pairs of shoes phase. I remember when Isabella was in kindergarten she probably had 10 pairs of shoes....and she went for 2 1/2 hours (Ava will be going to full day kindergarten). I know the days of multiple pairs of shoes will be arriving soon - so I'll enjoy just buying some expensive tennis shoes for now.

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