Thursday, July 15, 2010


I saw something today that reminded me of my crazy, insane "quirks" I have. Some, while may seem as an asset, are really mentally burdensome to me. I wish, I was a go with the flow kinda gal, but my mind is all sorts of crazy and I've finally comed to live and somewhat accept who I am - good and the bad....

So, in no particular order - I'll share my crazy...and let everyone try and figure out how anyone can manage to live with me.

  • Being without a shirt in the kitchen (and I'm talking about the guys here - lol). I don't know why this grosses me out - but I just think it's gross for a male to be in the kitchen, heck, really any room besides the bathroom - without a shirt on.
  •, I honestly enjoy mowing. I love being able to get some exercise, break out in a good sweat and do something productive all at the same time. BUT...I'm not your average mower. Of course not! lol I like nice, perfect, straight lines (sorry for the crazy lines the last time I mowed at your house Mom - heehee). I make mental notes of which direction I mowed the previous time and then I do a rotation - horizontal, vertical and diagonal and rotate. There is something so satisfying looking out the window and the yard, freshly cut - with perfect lines/angles.
  • Weed pulling - weeds are the bain of my existance. Ok, I exaggerate...but I am constantly pulling, pulling, pulling. As I make a turn while mowing - I am always bent over pulling a weed. Or, I'm getting the little weed prodder/poker and digging them up that way. I don't like Weed be Gone or whatever that stuff is called - it doesn't give me the same satisfaction seeing a dead, dying weed. I want it pulled at its root and thrown far, far away from my yard.
  • A clean, empty sink. This one is really annoying and mentally draining to me. But, I need my sink to be clean and empty. Especially when I go to bed. And when I say clean, I'm talking, scrubbed and rinsed and then dried off so there are no water spots. I will soak the sink in bleach water a couple times a month and then even (insert everyones eye rolling that I know will take place after this is read) pull out the ole windex and spray 'er down and polish that stainless steel. Blame flylady for this wonderful trait...heavy sarcasm is dripping
  • Pajama's - my pajamas need to match, not be all frumpy and worn out. Now, I'm not talking lingere or all that jazz - but my pajama's are all from Victoria's Secret - (again - not all skimpy at all), they all match and mentally, I can't mix and match - it needs to be a set. Some would say high maintenance - and I actually may agree with you on this one.
  • Professional pedicures/toes...enough said.
  • My closet...another annoying, mind crazing "habit". Clothes just need to be (for me mentally) in a certain order. I arrange things by sleeve length, color, dressy, casual...the list could go on and on. But, I will admit to possibly being a bit bossy when shirts are put where pants only go or certain Ironman pullovers are placed with the short sleeve shirts...Just sayin' that *might* have happened before. And don't get me started on shirts being hung in a different direction than the others....
  • Excessive planning - lots and lots of lists. Researching for trips, where to go, what to do, where to eat...deviate from above research = frazzled, stressed Alisha.
  • Laundry - I'm anal with this as well...imagine that. I cannot stand laundry to be in baskets. I wash, dry, fold/hang up and then put away laundry as soon as its finished. I 99.9% of the time do not start a new load until the previous load is complete and put away. I get a sick satisfaction with doing laundry. Putting something dirty, stained and smelly in the wash and it comes out clean, free of spots and smelling great - makes this ole girl happy. I love folding things neatly, pressing the clothes - I guess I enjoy it because it's something I can actually say I'm good at. That's kinda pathetic isn't it? One of the very few good qualities I can say about myself is that I'm good at laundry....ugh...:(

Well, I've shown and shared enough crazy and pathetic anal qualities of myself - so I think I'll stop before I decide to throw myself down the stairs or in front of a semi. roflmbo

Judge, roll eyes and talk away - I am who I am .... slowly but surely, I will begin to like me and these crazy quirks.

Goodnight all!

1 comment:

jamie said...

So I guess cooking naked is out of the question!:) Haha! This post made me laugh.
I think the closet and excessive planning is perfectly normal....well, since I am the same way. :)
Love you for your quirks and most of all your honesty!:)