Thursday, July 29, 2010

Tybee Island - Photo Filled - Post 2

Ok, these are from my sister in laws camera. Most pictures are pretty obvious so no descriptions will be typed. Any photo with description - it will be under the photo.

My mom, sister in law, her mom and Ava all went out one day to the Lighthouse on Tybee Island. I think it was the oldest lighthouse/first light house or something like that. Isabella and Dialycia were still in bed and my back was killing me so the three of us stayed back at the cottage. Mom, Ava and Dee walked up the 178 stairs - and back down at the lighthouse. They said Ava was a trooper and didn't complain once - even when she had her picture taken a million times. I think she was just happy to be the only kid with 3 adults. lol

The three girls at The Crab Shack - pretty obvious. lol

My beautiful sister in law and gorgeous niece.

Three complaining beauties on the beach.

Grammy and grandkids

Me upstairs at Paula Deens Store. The apron had S.L.U.T.S. on it = Southern Lady Under Tremendous Stress. Yes, I moved the display for the photo.

Goodness, she is beautiful.

Can you read this sign??? No swimming within 50 feet...someone drifted over to this pier and was not 50 feet away...just sayin'

The aforementioned someone who didn't read said sign - went under this pier when wave #2 hit her

The making of a mermaid.

Bella had a BLAST - this is one of my favorite photo's of her.

Mermaid complete!

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