Friday, May 15, 2009

A Better Day

Lord knows it has to be better than yesterday.

Breakfast - 2 ice cream sandwiches
Lunch - bowl of Rocky Road ice cream
Supper - 1 ice cream sandwich and a small portion of pasta with chicken

Breakfast - Blackberry, raspberry protein shake.

Already off to a better start.

My surgery recovery is a slow process and I'm trying not to overdue it so I've spent lots of time watching movies with Ava. Yesterday we watched Kung Foo Panda 3 times (although we both napped a bit the during the 2nd showing).

Another blonde surgery moment - I called my BFF from high school to update her on my surgery. I apparently forgot I called her - and proceeded to call her not once, not twice - but 3 times. Boy - I'm a sharp one aren't I? LOL

Huge props to Kris and Amy for playing Mommy role this weekend. The kids spent the night with Amy on Saturday and came home Sunday late afternoon. Kris had the girls on Friday night. Also, I had to call Amy (and wake her up mind you) to drive Isabella to school on MOnday because as we were walking to the bus stop - the bus was pulling away. So, she got up and drove Isabella to school for me. I love my neighbors - Kris and Amy are far, far, far more than neighbors - they are best friends for life! BFFL!~LOL

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