Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Prayer request

Isabella has pneumonia and Steve is out of town = translation: one tired Mommy. Please keep her in your prayers. Amy did take Ava for the afternoon so I could take Isabella to the Pediatrician and go to the pharmacy and get her RX's filled. She is on an antibiotic and some heavy duty steriods to calm things down as well as hopefully prevent an asthma flare-up that would be inevitable with the drastic change in temps here this week.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Festival Weekend

GARZAS ON ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Actually, they are the wheel from the corn grinding thing at the mill. (I wasn't paying much attention to the old man giving us the history lesson). LOL But, it is a Garza tradition (back from when Steve was a little boy - to take a picture of the kids on a rock while on vacation - so we continue the tradition!).

I've said it a million times - I suck at posting and loading pictures here on Blogger so - the pictures are being loaded in a screwed up - out of sync order of the weekend.

This is my brother waving to Isabella and Ava while driving the fire truck. He is a full time firefighter at a Naval station here but is on the local volunteer fire department.

The next two pictures are Sunday morning after breakfast. My aunt and uncle were in town for the weekend and they were staying at Spring Mill State Park. We met them for breakfast at the Inn and then wondered around the park and toured the Pioneer Village (where the Garzas on rocks pic was taken). My niece Dialycia is with us.

This is Ava at the festival on Friday night. She was so excited!

Trent (my bro), my mom, Steve, Me, Dialycia, Ava and Isabella at the end of the night Friday at the festival. Ava, Steve and I rode the Scrambler (Ava LOVED it) and Dialycia paid Isabella $5 to ride the Hurricane I think it was called with her. It went high in the air and around fast. You couldn't have paid me $50 to ride it! Isabella (the scaredy cat - LOVED it).
Ava giving Uncle Trent kisses. She *adores* Uncle Trent and Aunt Dialevash.
We only went uptown on Friday night and then went back to my moms and played cards with my aunt and Uncle and Trent and Dee. Actually, Steve stayed uptown with the girls until 11:00 PM!!!!!! Saturday we had breakfast at my moms and then Steve and I went over to one of my high school friends house for lunch before the parade. All of her family come (I grew up with them) as well as Brandy and Cindi - my BFF's from grade school. We watched the parade and then went back to my moms house for another lunch! My SIL's family all came over as well as my brothers dad and his wife. We ate, played corn hole, croquet and lots and lots of cards. I laughed so hard most of the afternoon and evening. This group is a riot together!
Sunday morning we went to Spring Mill and then after that came home and loaded the car and headed home. I was SOOOOO tired. I slept the 2 hours home and then for another 1 1/2 hours after we got home. Stayed up too late while we were there.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Girls Night In!

Tonight is our weekly girls night. Well, it's become a weekly thing for the past 4 weeks. It started out with Ellen, Pam and I all watching Project Runway over at Ellens at 9:00 pm.. Now, America's Next Top Model is on at 8:00 so we meet then. Tonight Amy and Chris are coming as well. We talk, eat and have a great time each Wednesday - lots of fun!

Tomorrow we (Steve, me and the girls) are going to watch Cory's junior high football game. Cory is Jacks older brother (he's 12) and the girls just adore Cory so we are going to cheer him on. Steve is on vacation tomorrow, friday, saturday and Sunday. Monday he heads to Chicago for a few days so it will be the girls and I. We'll manage.

Off to fold some laundry before heading over. Steve brought home a spinach and artichoke dip and made an antipasti platter for me to take over. Yum! Yum!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Ava at the Orchard & other news

Today Ava had a field trip to the local Orchard. I signed up to chaperone but so did every other Mom so we had 10 kids and 10 moms there today! It was fun being able to meet and talk with the other preschool Mommies. The last picture was Ava being a total priss because her pumkin was dirty. LOL
I'm fighting an upper resp infection - finally gave in and went to the Dr. this morning. So, hopefully the steriods to reduce the inflamation in my chest, inhaler to help with the coughing and the tightness in my chest and antibiotics to clear it all up do the trick. I had been taking mega doses of Oil of Oregano but it wasn't clearing it up quick enough and we are heading home for the weekend to visit with my friends and my aunt and uncle are coming over to my moms as well - so I wanted to make sure I was feeling good.
The past few nights have been spent hanging outside and visiting with the neighbors while the weather is still nice. Usually each night it's about 8-10 of us out there chatting while the kids ride their bikes and play tag.
Steve was asked to take a position in San Jose, California last week. He was personally asked by the Vice President of the Company (well, the VP called Steve's Regional Director) requesting him. As soon as I started researching the area and checking out the housing situation (even when we are in a "buyers market") I just about had a major panic attack. For $500K - you can get a shack just about. Not even 2000 sq ft and most only have 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom. Inside I was SCREAMING NO! NO! NO! but I appeared supportive to whatever Steve was going to decide. In the end, he turned the position down because it was going to be such a drastic lifestyle change for us. I *know* this isn't our final destination - do I wish it was? Yes - our neighbors are literally like our family (in fact - Mark and Amy were in tears when we were talking to them). But - I guess you just always assume a promotion and each additional move means you are moving up the ladder - not down. Steve's regional said he would like Steve to at least tell them what it would take for us to move to San Jose and Steve told him he was almost embarassed to let him know what it would take. So, he threw ridiculous terms out that would make it worth while for us and our lifestyle wouldn't change - and we haven't heard back (which translates - they know we/he isn't interested in this position).
So, that's the latest happenings here. The kids are down at Jacks playing so I'm off to fetch them.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Don't Give Up

This morning Steve was taking Ava to school and as they were leaving I called out to her and told her I loved her and to have a good day. She said "ok mom. Don't ever give up!". LOL!!!

We always tell our kids "Garzas don't quit", "Garzas don't give up". I guess we've gotten our point across to her! heehee She's such a sweetie (sometimes).

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Why, why, why. If I had a penny for everytime I'm asked that a day by my kids - I'd be one rich woman!

So, I decided today I was no longer going to answer why. I was going to tell the girls something and that was it. No longer explaining the why's of things. Especially simple, every day things.


Me: Ava, put your shoes and socks on we have to walk Isabella to the bus stop.
Ava: Why?
Me: ::::thinking:::: Didn't I just tell you why? We have to take Isabella to the bus stop!

Me: Isabella - take your shoes upstairs and put them away so I can get the downstairs cleaned.
Isabella: Why?

Me: Girls, go brush your teeth before school so you won't get cavities and your breath doesn't stink.
Them: Why???

What's worse, is because they ask me why a million times a day AND I ANSWER THEM A MILLION TIMES A DAY - I usually am telling the why when I tell them to do something. It is beyond irritating and I decided it was going to stop today. Mama is already going crazy, she doesn't need an extra push. :)

Taking it one day at a time.......

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Do Not Touch

So, when Isabella was dropped off Saturday morning I asked her what her picture meant and who it was she drew. She said it was a picture of Ava and the picture under the no had Ava touching the papers (on her desk) and the Yes picture was Ava not touching the papers.

If you say so Mrs. Van Gogh. LOL

Friday, September 12, 2008

Some Isabella Updates

Ok, this first picture isn't about Isabella but I saw it in my picture folder and decided to go ahead and post it. One of my favorite new things is Sticky Wall Art. I've ordered and put up 2 so far - this one and one in the kitchen that is above our french doors that says Bon Appetite. This one says Bless this House with Love and Laughter and is below the loft banister but in our foyer/formal living room area.

Alrighty - on to Isabella news...she lost another tooth last night. It was hanging on barely and was pretty sore for her to have anything touch it. Of course, being typical Isabella she was very nervous, hesitant and scared to pull it - but out of desperation (and pain) she came to me for help. LOL I barely had to move it and it pretty much broke free but I had her pull it out on her own. She called Daddy (aka Tooth fairy) and told him the news. I told Mr. Tooth Fairy that he needed to deliver only $1 for this tooth since the first tooth was worth $10 in the Garza household. Well, much to my surprise this morning Isabella came down waving a $5 bill to me????? I guess he felt like we needed to stair step down gradually in tooth payments and also she deserved extra for pulling it on her own! At these rates, I'm about to pull some of my own teeth.

Tonight Isabella is spending the night with one of her friends from school. She has spent the night at my brothers house every time we visit my mom, she has spent the night (several nights) at my mom's house without me and she's even spent the night down at Jacks. But, for some reason, the tears stung my eyes when she asked to spend the night at Emma's. I guess it was just the realization that she really is growing up. So, before heading to Emma's tonight she came and double checked with me how to spell touch. Told her and thought nothing of it until......

She left Ava a little note to DO NOT TOUCH, with drawings and everything in case Ava couldn't read. LOL I'm not for sure who is who in the photo but it's clear she doesn't want Ava messing with the desk while she's away. Isabella has set up shop at this old secretary desk I have in the formal living room. She now does her homework nightly here, she has a cordless phone set up, all her papers, stickers and pencils and bank! She and Ava play "Office" and school everyday here. For now, I'm overlooking the clutter it brings because they actually play together nicely and without any screaming or crying when school or work is in session.

Isabella got progress reports today. She has an A+/100% in everything except language arts which she has a 99% in there. She gets her brains from her Daddy (and her good looks from me. LOL) She got another 100 on her spelling test this week - yeah! Today I volunteered in her class from 9:00 - noon. The class dynamic is very interesting and I was able to see part of it in action. Basically it's one big class of 44 kids - 19 1st graders and 25 2nd graders. The 2nd grade teacher teaches the entire class for some things, the 1st grade teacher does some other teacher for the entire class. Sometimes they are divided up by grade and other times they are in groups of some 1st graders and 2nd graders. It is a very challenging class and it really pushes the students to their greatest. The students are given a lot more freedom and responsibilty than a traditional classroom - they move often from different centers and groups, they ask questions with their older 2nd grade mentor. Isabella is really enjoying it and excelling and the teachers say she is a total joy and pleasure to have in their class. Needless to say, we are really proud of her.

We are heavy into the "what are we going to be for halloween" phase. We get magazines almost daily for costumes and they have a million different options they are choosing from. Right now Isabella's top picks are Super Girl (totally cheesey costume) or the other extreme - a Gothic Witch???? What the heck? I will say the witch costume is pretty neat and with some great make-up like in the magazine it would be a super cool costume - but the super cool price of said favorite costume is $69.99 plus shipping. I will search for a less expensive alternative. Ava - she goes between a dog (???), Cinderella and a "Frankies Girl" (updated bride of Frankenstein). Again, what the heck????

When the magazines arrive, it just cracks me up. Isabella grabs them like I grab the latest Paula Deen magazine, and gets a pen and sits down and circles what she likes and wants. Well, guess who has started doing the same???? Miss Ava. So, the ones Ava circled were the pink poodle, Cinderella and bride of frankenstein (which really just looks like a mini Prisilla Presley on her wedding day to Elvis). So, we'll see what they both end up being come October 30.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Such a slacker

I've been slacking lately with the ole blog. Hanging out with Ava all day doesn't produce much blog material it seems.

We have been having gorgeous, fabulous fall weather. Windows open, jacket required in the mornings and in the evenings. It makes for a great night sleep. BUT...it's messing with Steve and Ava's allergies.

I'm ready for fall - not winter that's for sure. Fall here is just beautiful. Cool in the mornings and evenings but still warm during the day to be outside and play. It's my favorite time of the year. We had such a mild summer - it only got in the 90's a handful of times.

Isabella is doing fantastic in school. She has received 100's/A+ on everything except one assignment and then she only missed one and got a 97 which was still an A. She has another spelling test today but she knows the words so she'll do fine. Ava is enjoying school and loves her teacher. I have given her the assignment of learning one new kids name each day. She reported back with Haylie on Tuesday. Now, I just need to check the class roster to make sure there is infact a Haylie in her class. LOL Off to take her to school and then hit the gym for yoga.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

She's so smart!


Got a 100 on her spelling test! Yeah!

Oh - remember my corneal abrasion I had over Memorial Day? Well, something funky is going on with my eye again!!! I took my contacts out last night and it felt like my eye was scatched. Didn't wear contacts all day today and it's still bothering me. I did learn my lesson after the last time with continuing to wear my contacts. But, now I'm bummed (as well as Isabella) because I was going to volunteer tomorrow morning in her class. Guess I will next week. (I get dizzy, well dizzier LOL wearing my glasses) so I don't want to go in with my glasses - and a sore, red eye.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Preschool ROCKS!

My baby girl started preschool today. She did great and enjoyed it. When I asked her how she did she said "I listened to my teacher and did what she said". She's going to do fine and everyone is going to love her. Ava probably will be a politician - everyone who meets her loves her! Those who know her - fear her. LOL Just kidding - she's a sweetie.

We had a great, fun filled weekend! No time to post about it all but - my girlfriends drool over Steve. heehee They were staring at him trance-like Sunday evening at the wine tasting he did for us. It was cute to watch! Thank goodness I'm not the jealous type (anymore -LOL).