Monday, September 7, 2009


Ok - it is no big surprise I am not a camping, fishing type of girl. But...I could get use to this type of up to private pond, have someone bring out the fishing poles with hooks already on them, worms in a bowl of dirt and having Joe there to put the fish on the hook, remove fish once it was caught, discard of fish, put new worm or fix remaining worm left on hook. Fish for a couple hours, leave and not smell like fish! This type of fishing I can get use to!

Since my Uncle was diagnosed with cancer we have been trying to go over to Ohio and visit with him once every 4-6 weeks. Like I said before - it stinks that we have to wait until someone gets sick to visit often. We go over to a very small, rural town - so small that you literally have to go "up the hill" in order to get ATT cell phone service. :) We stay with my moms childhood friend from school Cecelia and always play cards and visit with Cecelias sister Pam and her husband Joe. My kids think Cecelia, Pam and Joe are our relatives (they think they are their aunts and uncles) so I just let them think that. We went fishing on Joe and Pam's property - they have a pond in their back yard. So beautiful.

Isabella waiting for a bite.

Mom trying not to get her line caught in the cat tails.

Joe and Mom

Ava watching Pam

Isabella caught one! She actually caught a lot - too bad the storage cage for the caught fish was broke or we could have maybe had fish for dinner the next night. hahahahahahaha Maybe next time.

Isabella has caught another one!

Ava was over the whole fishing thing in about 5 minutes. She doesn't have the patience for it. She did always want to "touch" the fish each time someone caught one and then Ava would throw it back in the pond. GROSS!!!

Isabella proud of her catch.

Ava thought it was more fun to torture the bait instead of fishing. Here she is with a worm.

Ava and a fish before she threw it back to freedom.

The girls playing with Pam and Joes dog Lily.

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