Friday, July 10, 2009


Introducing the newest Garza member:

The girls have been asking for a frog (yes - a frog) for the last month or so. There is a frog (or several that look alike) that appear on our front porch every evening when it gets dark. They have begged and pleaded to be able to catch one and keep it in a box. Now, I don't like frogs but I'm not mean enough to put the poor thing in a box so it can die overnight. So, we were talking with Amy and Cory (her 14 year old son) and telling them they wanted to get a frog or a turtle. Cory said they could have his turtle he's had for the last 5 years. He gave us everything - the cage, warming light, bowls, mulch, ect. We made out on the deal because we just gave him an iTunes gift card and we got all of the above PLUS the turtle.
The girls LOVE Walter to pieces. I actually like watching him eat. We are getting great use out of our garden because Walter is a vegetarian. He's been eating leafy green lettuce and cherry tomatoes. Ava wants to hold him constantly but I'm a nervous wreck when she holds him. Ava isn't the most delicate person around.
Today the girls and I went through their rooms and got a bunch of toys together to give to one of our neighbors so she could have some toys when her nieces and nephews came over to play. They only complained about 1 item each that I put in the box that they wanted so I gave it back to them - I thought great progress had been made for them only wanting one item/toy. When we walked back after dropping it off Isabella said "I love giving to charity". LOL

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