Saturday, July 4, 2009


We are probably strangers to everyone now. Life is just busy with lots of things going on and we are outside most of the day and evening so I just don't have blogging material or the time to sit and write long winded posts. LOL So...(a certain don't harass me for updates until you start your own blog and find stuff to write about daily. It's not as easy as some may think. Just kidding!!!!

Last night we had the neighborhood block party celebrating the 4th of July. Great turnout - about 80 adults and 20 or so kids. Steve grilled hamburgers and hot dogs and another neighbor Benjamin was grilling corn on the cob on his grill and everyone brought a side dish to share. Then when it got dark Steve let off some fireworks we got from my Moms store. This year was by far the best firework display - we bought some really good items.

Pam bought stuff for the kids to decorate their bikes and scooters and then later in the night we did a little parade with the kids. It was so stinking cute - they were so proud of their decorated bikes and just smiled big grins as they road up and down the road we had blocked off.

Christine decorated the Barbie Jeep for Ava - it looked really cute.

Isabella and her patriotic bike decor.

Ava sporting the dirtiest face of the night.

Me and two of the sweetest girls around. We have such a great time when we are together and we are so similar and hold back NO secrets. Lots of laughing going on with Kris, Amy and I.

Steve and I.

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