Monday, November 3, 2008

Politicians Lie

I was reading Isabellas journal when she got home from school today (she brings home a daily journal from school with info in it) and she had written that she voted. I asked her who she voted for and she said Barack Obama. I asked who won and she said they'd find out on Wednesday.

A bit later she said someone in class said Barack Obama was a liar. I told her, all politicians lie. To which she replied "so, John McCain lies, too". Yes, I told her. "Take that Rylea!" was her response. LOL

I honestly was impressed she knew both candidates names, although she hears us talk about them both almost daily. I'm excited for the election tomorrow and wish I was throwing an election night party! The last election night party was back in 2000 - we stayed at that party until around 2:00 in the morning. Little did we know it would be weeks before a winner was declared! Hoping that isn't the case tomorrow night.

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