Sunday, November 16, 2008

Over Involved Parents

Is that what we are?

Here is a story from earlier today.

Driving to the gym and listening to radio Disney - (we try to say its' for the kids, but truthfully, I kinda like the songs they play) they mentioned the Jonas Brothers. I started talking to Steve about Taylor Swift (I'm really digging her music - pathetic, I know) and the fact she was dumped by one of the Jonas Brothers. The original point of my discussing it was to say that just because she's a celebrity - she's still a 19 year old girl who got her heart broke. I said I can remember heart break at 18-19 but I sure as heck didn't have to go through it in the public eye.

Well, after getting Steve up to date on Taylor Swift and her ex Jonas Brother Boyfriend, Isabella said one of them had broke up with Miley Cyrus before (um, another sad fact - I knew that already). LOL I tried to remember who was dating one of the boys and asked if it was Demi Lavato or Selena "somebody" - I couldn't come up with her last name. Well, low and behold Steve chimes in and says "Gomez". Her last name is Gomez. Then....for the good part....he went on to say, "I was watching OPRAH and saw her and her mom on there". I just looked at him and said - that is just wrong. You knew the girls last name and you learned it on Oprah! LOL

I still get that little Lavato and Gomez girl confused - I guess I should just ask Steve!

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