Thursday, April 16, 2009

Spring Break - Newport Aquarium

I'm going to be a posting freak today and get caught up on the last couple of weeks of pictures and posts. Since we are going to the beach in June we were keeping a low key spring break. We drove over to Kentucky/Cincinnati and went to the Newport Aquarium. We didn't do much else because Isabella was still recovering from her 103+ fever and was worn out.

Ava before the pool - ready to rock and roll.

Isabella armed and ready with her water gun.

Ava having the best seat in the house touring the Aquarium.

When we were at Animal Kingdom a couple years ago, Isabella got her face painted. Ever since Ava has been begging for her face to be painted. She almost squeeled when she saw the aquarium had face painting. It's not the Disney experience but it will satisfy her for a little while.

Ava still finishing up eating her chocolate chip cookie.


Holly said...

Looks like a fun time! What awesome face painting!

Homeopath said...

Interesting blog you have here