Monday, March 9, 2009

Chefs in Training

Every month Steve does a cooking class at Maggianos and every few months they have a childrens cooking class. Friday my mom, my SIL and my niece came up and we took the kids to the class Saturday. I don't know who had more fun, us watching and helping them, my mom who had to stand at the table and help Isabella and Ava or Steve. Ava was hilarious and entertaining as usual. Dialycia did an awesome job making hers - she was a pro and didn't need any help.

They had their aprons and chef coats - Ava was the only one wearing a chef coat and we wrote Chef #1, Chef #2 and Chef #3 on them. It reminded me of Dr. Suess - Thing 1 and Thing 2. LOL

This is after the class with their finished product - Lasagna.

I hope they don't do this in all of the kitchens. This is how Ava tastes the food.

Isabella, listening for her next set of instructions.

Spreading the ricotta cheese.

Ava working on her lasagna.

Dialycia preparing her masterpiece.

Before class starts.

Steve with his students.

Oh, I forgot. After the class all the kids were coming up for autographs and to get their picture taken with Steve. When we walked out to the car Isabella says to me "Mom, I didn't know Daddy was famous". LOL

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