Friday, May 30, 2008


First off....we all got some sleep last night. It felt so good! Ava woke up around 6:45 am and it was so easy getting up after a good night of rest. Isabella woke up coughing only once but stopped after a couple of minutes and went back to sleep. Ava is coughing a lot this morning and just looks like she is run down. Hopefully, she will rest some today and let her little body heal. I'm not going to be able to go to the eye doctor today, Ava just looks too pathetic to drag her out for him to check my eye. I'd rather just hold off wearing contacts than make her be miserable.

Steve and I are all set for our trip to Chicago. While watching Top Chef a couple nights ago I decided where I wanted to go and eat breakfast. The Chefs did a QuickFire Challenge at Lou Mitchells - and the food looked good. It looks like just a big diner but they said there is always a line to eat at the place. Hoping since we are going during the middle of the week, we will be able to get in. We'll see Wicked during the day on Wednesday, dinner at Charlie Trotters in the evening and breakfast at Lou Mitchells Thursday morning. Other than that - I don't know what else we'll do.

Steve's parents are arriving on Monday to stay a week. It will be good to have them here to love on the girls. Plus, I'm especially looking forward to my mother in laws enchiladas - they are soooooooo good!! We ask her to make them for us each time they visit. My mouth is watering already just thinking about it.

Thank you all for your emails and calls- they mean the world to me to know you care and are praying for the kiddos.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Sick little girl

Please pray for Ava - took her to the Pediatrician this morning and after a few chest x-rays it was confirmed she has pneumonia. She's been running high fevers and coughing horribly. Isabella is coughing nonstop as well but her lungs sounded good and clear so the Ped thinks she is suffering just from a cold.

Here is one more picture of Ava and her frog - my niece took this picture! Ugh....I don't know why the picture didn't load after my words. My only gripe about blogger. It has to be easier than what I'm doing.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

What a weekend! Tons of Pictures

My oh my!!! What a weekend. Lots to talk about and tons of pictures to go with it. The pictures are in reverse order because, like I've said many times before - I stink at adding pictures on blogger. Oh, well!

We left early Saturday morning to head over to Lawshee, Ohio - population 200 - give or take. We made it there in about 3 hours and the first thing we got to see when we arrived were KITTENS!! There were 5, 3 week old little kittens. This sparked "Mommy, can we have one?", "Puuuuulllllleeeeaaase can we have just ONE?". I finally said sure, but you have to give away either Daisy or Molly. That ended the conversation quickly because they love Daisy and Molly. We decided to venture out and go to the Peterson (my mom's family) train trussel. I kept calling it a train trellis - LOL. We all piled in the back of Cecelia's (my moms best friend) truck and headed over. What rednecks we were!! It was me, Steve, the girls, Dialycia (my niece), My mom, 2 of my uncles, my aunt and a dog in the back and another dog in the front seat with Cecelia. My little city girls adapted to the country quite well I must say (much easier than their Mommy). They had no fear and walked across the trussel without missing a beat, then went down and scouted out things along the creeks bank. Dialycia found a live mussel and Ava found a live frog. Ava played with that frog the entire time we were there. The men all skipped rocks across the creek - and it was just a peaceful, beautiful time. We loaded up in the truck to head home and I noticed Ava had a mussel shell with her holding it with both hands. I asked what she had and she replied "a frog house". She had put her frog inside of the empty shell. I didn't take my digital camera on this venture but Dialycia got a great picture of Ava and her new friend on Mom's camera.

My eye had been bothering me all day so I took my contacts out and put my glasses on and I felt better. Sunday morning we got up to go to church and although my right eye was a bit puffy, it didn't hurt when I put my contact in so I didn't think much about it. My vision was a bit blurred but nothing that made me think I shouldn't be wearing my contacts. After church we went out to eat, came home and changed and headed over to Serpent Mound. It is such a neat place and we climbed the tower to view the masterpiece of the Serpent in the grass. While walking we saw some trails. Someone had the bright idea for us to head down one of the trails. I was wearing - flip flops, a skirt and carrying a Coach pocket book. Perfect hiking attire right? It was glorious and beautiful and once again, my city girls were soaking this up. Oh yeah, along the way - Ava found another freakin' frog!!! The pictures in the post are of the 2nd frog/toad. We did talk her into letting this one go before we got into the car. After a stop at an ice cream joint on the corner, in the middle of nowhere we headed back to Cecelias to play corn hole. (google it if you aren't aware of what corn hole is - LOL). At this point all of my uncles (5) and my aunts were over at Cecelias. Everyone played cornhole for several hours and enjoyed a BBQ. At this point, my eye was giving me some trouble and pain so I took my contacts out. INSTANT pain. Watering eyes, red eyes - stabbing, throbbing, raw pain. I tried playing cards for a while but the kitchen light was causing my eye to water and my eye hurt everytime I blinked.

I called it quits in cards (I was losing anyway - LOL) and washed my face and decided to head to bed. The pain continued to intensify and I swear I thought I was having an anxiety attack from it. Everyone who was still there recommended I go to the ER. So, off we went. Diagnosis - severe corneal abrasion. I received an eye patch (so stylish!!!), some pain pills, eye drops and was ordered to basically stay in the dark and not open EITHER eye for at least 36 hours.

My mom took the girls the next morning with her to the Memorial day service at the church and cemetary and Isabella brought my digital camera with her I found out this morning in fact! The picture of Ava in the red shirt with the a on the front, the goats (the baby one was only about 4 days old) and of the butterflies was taken by Isabella. I love the picture of the 3 butterflies! Meanwhile, Steve packed up all of our stuff and as soon as they returned we headed home. I literally couldn't open my left eye because it caused such severe pain in my right eye - so I just kept a pillow on my head. This was actually our 9 year anniversary and as Steve led me to the bathroom at one point he said this was just a look into the future 40 years from now (one of us having to lead the other to the bathroom. LOL)

Once home, I layed on the couch and listened to Isabella watch some TV. Steve said he would read the paper to me if I wanted or he could download an audio book. So, he downloaded the Janet Evanovich book I had just started reading and I listened to it for a few hours. He had to go back to work yesterday morning but I still couldn't see anything after I removed the eye patch. The girls were so wonderful, caring and just down right perfect yesterday. Isabella made toast for them, made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for lunch and entertained Ava. Steve made me an appt with an Optomitrist and we had my eye rechecked last night. He said it was healing nicely and would just continue to improve each day. I go back on Friday morning for a recheck before I put my contacts back in.

This morning I feel soooooo much better. Thank you for your prayers. It is still very sensitive to light so I feel like I've made the house into a cave. The girls will have to play inside for most of the day until Steve comes home because it's so sunny outside. But, they'll manage.

Oh, and the picture of Ava's knees - the girl was constantly falling because she was running so darn hard everywhere she went. She was beyond excited at every adventure we experienced.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Going away for the weekend

We are going away for the weekend to a get together with my mom's family. It's just outside of Cincinnati - so not far at all (about 2 1/2 hours). My moms family gets together every Memorial Day weekend and always has. The high school they all went to (my mom has 5 brothers) has their alumni banquet on Saturday so everyone always heads *home* for it. We are going to be staying at one of my mom's childhood friends houses - we've stayed here ever since my grandfather died. Everyone always comes over to play cards, we walk down to the stables and pet the horses, see the cows, etc.. It's a super small town out in the middle of nowhere - LOL - only about 200 people - but it's always a very good time. Sunday we always have a cookout at my moms friends house in the evening, Monday we go back to the church for a Memorial Day service and then go to the local cemetary and have a small service out there (prayer, 21 gun salute and playing of Taps) and then place flowers on the graves of the veterans. Then after that, we all head over to my Aunt and Uncles and cook out again. This year Steve is actually going with us - yeah!

Need to get back to packing and cleaning (I absolutely can't stand coming home to a messy/dirty house after a mini-break). Anal, I know.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Kindergarten Graduation

I really don't know how to post pictures very well here on blogger - they never appear in the order I want them too - oh well. Here are some pictures from earlier today. The play was super cute and Isabella did an awesome job. We were so proud of her. I don't have all that many pictures due to Miss Mother of the Year not being able to locate the battery charger for the camera (of course, I located it once we were home and everyone changed). I'm only posting the picture of me and Ava so I can show off the necklace Steve and the girls got me for mothers day. I should have had him take a closer picture of it - note to self - do this next time wearing. LOL

Funny thing about the schools name inside the gym. I wanted to take a picture of the name of the school - didn't pay attention to the photo which was displayed when I snapped the picture. After loading them to the computer - I just noticed it is of Isabella!!!!!!!!! It is her and the librarian (and let me tell you - her Librarian looks NOTHING like the sterotypical librarian!!! She's so darn pretty!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

God bless him

God bless and love him (Steve). Poor guy goes off to buy white sandals for the girls (I did show him pictures online of what I would want for them just so he got an idea). Well, he comes home and both of the girls toes were just about hanging over the ends of the shoes (as well as their heels) - and they had about 4 other colors besides white. So, he's now heading back to exchange them for shoes that atleast will fit them longer than a week. Poor guy, no good deed goes unpunished.

Thank you though Steve for saving me the trip. (sad I know, but we communicate through the blog at times).

Graduation Eve

Alrighty, the eve of Isabella's kindergarten graduation and play and thank goodness I thought ahead just a bit about what she was going to wear. I use to be uber high strung, stressed over everything, planned things days, weeks, months in advance. Now, I'm mediated for the above mentioned and kinda go with the fly by the seat of my pants routine. LOL Old Alisha (aka pre-medicated) would have known and had in my possession what Isabella would be wearing tomorrow on her first day of kindergarten. Which brings me to the pickle I realized I was in....Isabella has the following shoes that fit - crocs, flip flops and tennis shoes. Now, I may be laid back now, but I sure as heck haven't lost my fashion sense. heehee So, I have entrusted my dear hubby with the task of buying shoes after he finishes working out (the girls went with him to the gym). I guess I should be thankful I semi-planned ahead and thought about it tonight, otherwise tomorrow I don't think there is enough medicine out there to have changed my freaking out at 8:30 a.m. and deciding which dress looked the best with crocs. LOL

Alrighty...every parent thinks their child is talented and gifted right? Steve and I are included in the group. But, really - all biased feelings aside, Isabella really has an eye for art. Today she brought home a chalk drawing (is that what it is called?). Blue sky, green grass, brown tree trunk and limb. So simple, but yet she somehow visualized it pretty profoundly for a 6 year old (ok, here is the Mama who thinks her daughter is the next Van Gogh, Matisse, Monet, Michaelangeo - LOL). I'm attaching pictures of two pieces she did last year in PRESCHOOL when she was almost 5. Van Gogh's Sunflowers and Monet's Water Lilies. More pics tomorrow from the play and graduation.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Glad I'm in Indiana today

This morning as I was sitting and drinking a cup of coffee, reading the newspaper and listening to the TV (such a multi-tasker - LOL) I happened to look up and notice the weather in Dallas today - NINETY EIGHT DEGREES!!!!!!!!!!!! What the heck? It's not even June yet! Now, it's only in the 60's here so our weather isn't much to write home about but I'll take mid 60's and sunny vs 98 degrees in May! There were many, many things I loved about Texas - but the heat was not one of them.

We are in dire need of going to the grocery store. Our pantry is bare!!! I really dislike the grocery store, meal planning and all that is associated with cooking (bad wife!) so of course going to the grocery is just another dreaded chore. I vowed to Steve today that when Isabella is in full day school next year I was going to dust off the apron and start cooking some full meals. Maybe my dislike of cooking is because just as I finish cleaning up one meal it's time to start working on the next one. LOL Ok, enough complaining by me!

Isabella has one more day of school left and then it's the school play/graduation. I will be glad to have her home all day and not have to stop mid-day to take her to school. (am I crazy saying that????)

Well, off to go get Isabella's hair cut. Her hair is WACKY lately. We don't know if it's because she's starting to get some curl in it, the chlorine from the pool or if her steriod inhaler she takes daily is changing/affecting the texture. Whatever it is, I can tell you it is a nightmare to comb (and this isn't just from me - hubby agree's wholeheartedly - he even googled it today it's that bad. LOL).

Sunday, May 18, 2008

A picture post

It has been way too long since I've posted any pictures so I finally uploaded some off the camera to hopefully post (I'm not too swift at posting pictures on blogger just yet).
The first three are out at my brothers house during the kids easter egg hunt. Steve's mom always sends the girls these colored eggs that are filled with confetti - you smash them and the confetti goes everywhere. Of course, Uncle Trent is always the receiver of just about the entire 4 dozen. LOL The last two are when Isabella was reading Green Eggs and Ham at school. Ava was able to sit at the table with her and have snacks before her sister read to the class - Ava was so proud!

Sunny Day

The sun has been out for 2 whole days and what an impact it can have on your mood - well, at least mine! It has been cloudy and dark most of last week and I get so unmotivated when it's like that. I can handle a day of darkness but then I need the sun!!!

Last night when Steve came home we wanted to get out of the house so we went to Watson's. I don't know if they are throughout the states or not - but it is a huge store selling outdoor goods - hot tubs, big swing sets, pools, patio furniture as well as pool tables, etc. Well, we went and spent almost 2 hours in the store. The kids played on the play sets for a bit while Steve and I discussed what we liked/disliked about each one for when we decide to buy one. Then we went and looked at all the hot tubs and crawled in a few that didn't have water in them. Finished out the "tour" by playing air hockey, Ms Pac Man, Asteriods (I think that's what it's called) and some other video games they had on display to sell. The kids were ready to leave before Steve and I - we were hooked on the video games. heehee

Side note before I forget - if you are looking for some beautiful music by a great group - check out Selah. I found them about a month ago and have fell in love with their music. I have a few songs on my playlist but I really enjoy their music.

Steve is off today so we are hitting the gym and then probably just playing outside. Thursday our Wii game arrives (JD got us one in Florida and is sending it to us via UPS). Right now we have his while he is out of town and we have so much fun playing it. The disc that comes with the Wii has lots of things to do (bowling, tennis, golf) but we have rented a couple of games from Blockbuster and have a lot of fun as a family playing it. Last night Isabella rented some Carnival game that has all of the games and events you would find at a Carnival/fair on it. To be a fly on the wall while Steve and I were doing the strength game (the one where you have the hammer and hit the mat and the little ball rises hoping you are strong enough to hit the top bell). Well, you have to basically pump your arm up and down to get the "strength" built before you release and hit the mat. Um, one try was enough for me. Enough said. LOL

Off to get this day started!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Productive day thus far

It's been a pretty productive day so far! I have been in the process of switching winter clothes out and hanging summer clothes in our closet, moving and reorganizing, sorting for goodwill, etc and made great progress today. Plus, I cleaned and organized 2 dresser drawers, vacuumed upstairs and downstairs, did 2 loads of laundry, rehearsed lines with Isabella for her school play (she knows them and is so darn cute acting them out) and am getting ready to attack the ironing next. I like being able to check things off of the "to do" list. It mentally relaxes me. heehee

Steve's parents are going to be coming and staying for a week the first week of June. We can't wait for them to come visit. Steve and I are going to be going to Chicago for 2 days/1 night to celebrate our 9 year anniversary and also just to spend some quality time together. I got us tickets to see the broadway production of Wicked - that should be fun as well. We also have reservations at Charlie Trotters restaurant - we have been dying to go there for several years. Hopefully we'll be able to take his mom to a casino while they are here as well - we had a good time going during their last visit. Also, we hope to hit up a few yard sales on the weekend - we had a blast and so many funny memories during our last yard sales adventure. LOL

I've kinda had a mini awakening the past few days. I've kinda been bothered, hurt, upset by lack of contact/support during Isabella's illness. I feel like I've always been a pretty good friend listening and offering support when it's needed to others and while yes, prayers very well may have been offered in our names I guess I thought more people would ask or mention or call regarding it. I'm sure I'm being a tad too emotional regarding this and it's probably not that big of a deal - or maybe it's realizing those I can really count on who offered their support via a card, email or phone call. I was talking to one of my best friends Stephaney yesterday and telling her my feelings about it (she had called to check up on Isabella and her test on Friday) and letting her know how much I appreciated her friendship and the time she took to let me know she cared and was thinking about us. I said I had made a mental note of those who didn't say anything - to which she replied "so, you've put them on probation". LOL So true! (I think - heehee). Oh well, I'll still be as supportive as I can be and will let others know I'm thinking of them and praying for them during tough times and struggles.

Well, Ava is calling and wanting me to go watch Caillou with her. She's such a nut...she just came in to the office and said she wanted a drink of "coke". (I bought 5 cases of cokes, diet cokes, cherry cokes, etc from CVS because they were a fantastic price and I figured I'd stock up for summer bbq's and get togethers). Well, I hadn't had a diet coke in months and thought what the heck, it looked good - I'll go ahead and have one and hope the aspartame doesn't corrode my brain LOL so that is what Ava wanted a drink of. She took a drink and said "ummm, that diet coke tastes like beer".!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Out of the mouths of babes. p.s. - we've never let her taste beer but she knows her Daddy drinks one every now and then. LOL

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

An answer, maybe?

Well, once again Isabella threw up after having severe stomach pains (on Sunday). This time, I asked detailed questions why it was going on. I was determined to get to the bottom of this! It is not normal for a 6 year old to throw up once a week. After speaking with her Pediatrician we are pretty sure she is having acid reflux. Yesterday morning after eating her stomach starting hurting so I gave her a pepcid ac and within minutes the pain was gone. So, she is now on a prescription of Prevacid. They said we will be able to see results in about 4 days - until then,I'm going to try and keep her diet pretty simple. I really hope this is the answer to why my little girl is getting sick.

Isabella has only one more week of school left. I can't believe she is about to be a 1st grader!!! Crazy. They are at the gym's inside pool swimming with Steve and should be home shortly.

We were able to play outside today since it warmed up. Isabella is teaching Ava how to drive the Barbie jeep. Watch out people....she's a crazy driver like her Mama! I loved hearing their giggles and squeals while they were playing today. Warms my heart! Plus it was a nice change from hearing them fighting. heehee

Monday, May 12, 2008

Wonderful Weekend

The girls and I had a fabulous weekend. We made it to my moms house around 6:30 and got the car unloaded. My bro, sis in law and niece came over shortly after and we played some cards for a bit. Isabella and Ava went with them and spent the night at their house. It was cute as we were playing cards...Ava was sitting on Dialevash's lap in her pj's, hugging her new Koala Webkinz and her new quilt Pa bought for her - she was so tired but wasn't going to give in and fall asleep out of fear of being left behind. LOL She would turn around every few minutes to Dialevash and ask "DeeBash, we go your house now?" The way Ava talks cracks me up - I don't do it justice describing it or typing it out like she speaks - but it warms my heart every time I hear her talk (well, most times!!! The kid talks nonstop). LOL

Saturday morning Dialycia called around 9:00 am wanting to know when we were coming out to the house - the kids wanted to go outside and play but Uncle Trent said they couldn't go out in their pj's. (um, the kids won out on this argument because by the time we got there around 9:45 they were all outside in the pj's hitting balls from the pitching machine). LOL Trent had just bought the pitching machine thing the night before and we all took turns swinging the bat at it. Talk about COMICAL!!!!!!!!!!! Especially when a 10 year old, 6 year old and 2 1/2 year old are better than the adults. heehee

They filled their pool a couple weeks ago but the water is still VERY chilly. Well, Dialycia accepted a bet from her dad and decided to go swimming. Of course, Ava and Isabella wanted to follow suit. My girls were too cold and got out just about as quick as they got in. But, it was if a bright neon, flashing sign was going off over the house proclaiming: THE POOL IS OPEN!!!!!!! Because within minutes 6 other neighbor kids were at the house jumping in and swimming.

I went and jumped on the trampoline with Isabella and Ava - boy oh boy, that can wear you out! I had my heartrate up and my muscles aching after 15 minutes of jumping. Trent made us lunch and then Ava went down for a nap and Isabella and Dialycia went over to one of the neighbors to play. Trent, mom and I camped out in front of the TV and watched America's next top Model marathon. Mom and Trent made dinner (spaghetti and garlic bread) and then we all went out for round 2 of the pitching machine humiliation. I gave the girls a bath and then they all went in Dialycias room to watch Alvin and the Chipmunks and we played some cards. We finally went home around 9:30 pm. It was a great day. Sitting out in the swing by the pool, watching Trent the pool boy clean out the pool and listen to the kids squealing and laughing - life can't get much better than that.

We got up and packed up and headed home pretty early yesterday. I came home to a big Victorias Secret bag and another pretty bag next to it. They got me the most beautiful pair of thin cotton Victorias Secret button up pj top and pants and the most gorgeous necklace from Brightons. There is a story behind Isabella being tricky and asking me what I wanted for mothers day all on her own but my wrists are sore from all the typing. LOL The day ended with me and my baby girls sitting on the couch and them showering me with tons of hugs and kisses. Now, that was the perfect mothers day gift one could ever ask for!

Friday, May 9, 2008

I Respectfully Disagree

Those were the words the Pediatrician used when I told her what the Allergist said today about Isabella not having asthma. She was very upset and said she wasn't going to refer anymore of her patients to him. She was rattling off tons of statistics and all of Isabella's history and basically told me she felt he was wrong. And Steve and I agree with her. I grew up with our Pediatrician, she was Valedictorian of her senior class and graduated from med school Suma Cum Laude. She's very smart, reads and studies all the time to keep up to date on everything and most importantly, Steve and I trust her judgment wholeheartedly. She made some very good points that I wish I would have presented to the other doctor but his bedside manners stunk and I was trying to process everything. I dislike taking the kids to the doctor alone because I always seem to get confused after leaving the office with what they actually said. Steve is much better at comprehending stuff like this and remembering what they say. This is just about the only time he remembers anything well. LOL But, she pointed out Isabella's last two major attacks required massive doses of steirods to calm everything down. The steriods worked almost immediately. If it was a sinus infection causing the coughing - steriods would not heal it, antibiotics would have to be used. Also, Isabella has been diagnosed by a total of 3 different pediatricians with cough variant asthma and they have studied her records and know her history much more than the doctor today. So, we won't be going back to this doctor. She offered to send us to someone at Riley (the childrens hospital here in Indy) who is also a believer in cough variant asthma for follow up - which we will do in the future if needed.

I felt so much better after talking with our Ped and she confirmed what my gut and Steve's gut instincts were with his diagnosis. Our Pediatrican said it was our choice to take her off of the asthma meds but she strongly recommended not going that route because she would guarantee another attack within weeks. I cannot one, let Isabella suffer through the hours upon hours of coughing at night and two, make my child digest massive doses of steriods because of an experiment. I'm probably making no sense and am just rambling. This post I guess is more for me to put my thoughts down on paper so to speak.

One final thing - a big shout out goes to my Aunt Dottie who sent Isabella and Ava the cutest DVD - I believe it's called Wormie! The girls LOVE it and have watched it several times since receiving it. It also came with a music CD and we listened to it the entire 2 hours on the way down to my moms. Thank you Dottie!!!! Also to those who have emailed letting me know you are praying for Isabella and asking how she is doing - it is appreciated by me more than you know! I know people pray for her without letting me know, but it sure is nice hearing you are in others thoughts and prayers!

The girls are staying over at my brothers and SIL's house tonight. Isabella called Dialevash on the way down to make sure they could stay tonight. Trent even asked for diapers and wipes. LOL I told him he could call me and I'd come out and change Ava's stinky diapers if needed, but he said it was ok, he'd just make my niece change them. heehee

Off to read and relax in the quiet.

Oh, P.S. - way to go Michelle making Trent and I look bad!!! Sending mom flowers????? You stinker!!!! LOL They are so pretty!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, and thank you for my mothers day card - it was so nice and thoughtful of you. You're a great sis!!! Love ya!

Answered Prayers....(I think)

Ok, so we survived the allergy testing. Isabella actually did great. She started crying a little bit before they started and said she didn't want to have it done. Once I told her she didn't have an option and it WAS going to happen she stopped crying. She barely made a peep when they poked her TWENTY FIVE times. Her little back has dots all over it. :(

Anyway.....she is allergic to NOTHING. Not a single thing they tested for. Molds, pollens, dust, animals, milk, trees, grass, shrubs, etc.. So, that is great news. It was hard to wrap my mind around at first because I was sure she was going to be allergic to everything but what awesome news that she isn't! Then, he went on to say he doesn't think she has asthma. He said it is soooo rare for a child to have asthma and no allergies. There are some doctors (he is one) that doesn't believe in cough variant asthma, while our Pediatrician does. I have a call in to her to talk about everything so I'm still confused in that area. He wants to have her off of everything for asthma and go from there.

He believes she is having sinus issues which are causing her coughing or she has acid reflux. He had us go get a sinus x-ray and then bring the film back to him - and it showed she has a severe sinus infection going on right now. So, we are going to do a round of massive antibiotics (I'm going against my homeopathic philosphy on this because I don't want to mess around - I just want her to get better - quick and without a fight of having to take the oil of oregeno - she's been through enough already today). So, if she doesn't have asthma and just gets severe sinus infections that cause the cough - I will be very, very happy with that. Sinus infection over asthma - I'll take that any day. But, like I said, I'm anxious to talk to our Pediatrician because she has been adamant that Isabella has cough variant asthma. Once I know more, I'll update on that. But, no milk allergy - yippee!!! Isabella came home and ate a big bowl of cereal for lunch. LOL

Oh, she also did some lung capacity tests or something like that where she blew into a machine and it measured something. (Nice that I listened and process all of that info - LOL) She scored what she should have for her age, weight and height so all is well with the ole lungs. But, I knew that already - the girl is a motor mouth and talks non stop!

We were there for 4 hours so thank goodness Ava was at the neighbors. Amy took her to the gym with her so Ava got to play in their child watch area. When I picked her up they were watching Cinderella - but Amy said the last 30 minutes or so Ava kept telling her that she missed her Mommy and wanted to see her Mommy. (yeah, she really does like having me around.)

Well, we are getting ready to go to the school and listen to Isabella read Green Eggs and Ham. If I can figure out how to put video on the blog I'll have Steve upload it. Thank you everyone for your prayers for Isabella. I pray she is healed and will not have any issues further! Fingers crossed.

Thursday, May 8, 2008


That was the price of a gallon of gas today when I stopped to get it. I kept debating in my head, should I fill up, get a little or get a half a tank with it at that price. So, I got a little over a 1/2 a tank ($40 worth) and am crossing my fingers it goes down in price soon. This gas deal is starting to tick me off. I have very minimal driving that I have to do - Isabella's school is only about 2 miles away, the gym is 8 miles away and my car does get pretty good gas mileage. But still - we have to put premium gas in my car so it all adds up. We are on the verge of having to buy Steve a new vehicle (within a few weeks we are going to have to buy him something) and while he really wants a truck, I just don't think we can afford gas for a truck - at least not a "manly" one. He drives approx 17 miles to work so really not all that far, but with gas at this price, he'll be driving a moped. LOL

Isabella has her allergy testing tomorrow. Please pray for her - at this point I just need the prayer to be for her peace going into the testing. Isabella is very, very scared when it comes to doctors and shots so when she found out yesterday while talking with her Pediatrician that it is going to be SEVERAL and I mean SEVERAL pokes and prods and scratches on her back - Isabella instantly went into panic mode. She is the type that FREAKS when she just sees the tweezers to pull out a splinter - let alone trying to remove the splinter. Ava on the other hand, will sit as quiet as a mouse and as still as can be while you work and tug and pull to remove a splinter. Night and day the two of them are.

I have really spent a lot of time talking with Isabella about tomorrow and how she works herself up over FEAR instead of the actual pain. I promised her a new Webkinz if she will be brave for me. She asked if she was able to cry and I said yes, I just need you to be calm and not flopping all over the exam table with 5 nurses holding you down. LOL I'm going to bring her iPod and some books and hopefully have her be distracted with the music and having her read and focus on the books. I just hope it is over quickly and we have some answers and a game plan.

The results from the doctors visit yesterday - she tested negative for strep, she does have fluid in one ear but nothing an antibiotic would help (which was a moot point because I don't treat my kids ear infections with antibiotics unless it is absolutely necessary - I use Mullien oil and have had 100% success with treating ear infections with this homeopathic method). Ok, getting side tracked here....basically she is suffering from allergies since going off of the Singulair in preparation for the testing tomorrow. We had hoped to actually take her off the Singulair and use the steriod inhaler only to treat her asthma but this doesn't appear to be an option. She has had to use her rescue inhaler at least twice a day for the past 4 days because the allergies are triggering asthma attacks.

I *know* Isabella's illness could be much, much worse. She could have some terminal disease - so I am thankful for that. But, severe allergies, asthma and food allergies isn't something that you can just look the other way. When you eat something and immediately break out into hives, red itchy splotches (is that a word?) and you throw up - that's kinda severe in my eyes. On a side note - since stopping her milk intake and switching to soy (which she isn't really thrilled with at this point - even the Very Vanilla soy) her eczema is gone. Her arms and legs are as smooth as a baby's bottom. LOL But, we'll have answers tomorrow and I'll post the update and info tomorrow evening.

The girls and I are heading to my moms tomorrow after school - Isabella reads Green Eggs and Ham to the class and Ava and I are going in to listen - so we'll take off after that and come back on Sunday morning. Last year I had a gorgeous Coach purse and wallet sitting on the counter upon my return. Could it possibly be a repeat this year????? :)

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Single Parent

I don't know how single parents do it - no breaks or time alone - wow. Steve has been in Chicago since Monday and is coming home tonight. The kids miss him severely while he is gone - it's really tough on them. He has wised up over the years while traveling. Now, he just checks in to make sure we are all ok and hanging in there and he kinda skims over what he's doing. Before total chaos would be going on in our household while he was showering and getting ready to go and eat at a 5 Star restaurant. I did have a tinge of envy last night when he said they were walking over to a new Mortons Restaurant that opened up.

Isabella is going to the doctor today at 1:00. She stayed home from school yesterday - had a fever, sore throat and ear ache. Today the fever is gone but the sore throat and earache are still there. Friday she goes to the allergist to have the testing done. Steve wasn't able to switch his schedule around to stay home with Ava so Amy (one of our neighbors) is going to watch her. It's our babysitters mom who loves Ava like her own. Jack will be there also, so I know Ava will have a good time. The new paper info the Doctors office sent specifically said to not bring younger siblings due to the length of the visit (3 hours).

Sunday, May 4, 2008

It's May already?

I cannot believe how fast time flies! Isabella only has 14 days of school left - that is insane! It sure will be nice to not have to stop in the middle of the day and take her to school. Our summer days will be spent starting off at the gym and then hitting the pool for a few hours each day. I can't wait!

Last night we had our first dinner party since moving in. Only took a year to have it. LOL Two of my aunts and uncles came over (my dads sister and my dads brother and their spouses) and my cousin and her daughter Sophia. As soon as Sophia stepped foot into the house the girls grabbed her and took her upstairs and the three of them played for hours without a single argument. Ava kept saying all day long yesterday, "my cousin Sophia is coming today". We have just recently hooked up with this part of the family the past few months and it feels like I've grown up with them in my life - it's just a good feeling and a good fit. Well, they are family after all! I look forward to the next time we are all together!

Isabella has her allergy testing on Friday - the paperwork said it will take approximately 3 hours!!! I'm sure Isabella isn't going to be thrilled at all during this testing - so please pray for her if you have a chance.

This entry is being cut short - I woke up with a sore throat and chills today and have spent most of the day in bed. I'm feeling a bit better but still not the best so off to lay down again. The best part of the day was Ava crawling into bed with me and napping. I loved hearing her breath next to me. So sweet (when she's quiet and not crying!! LOL).